Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Municipalities Can't Get Bond Monies

A New York Times Business article, today, echoes what we have been saying all along: that trying to sell bonds, especially for a frivolous expenditure like a park, is going to be costly and very difficult.

And it will soak up Oro Valley's ability to borrow for important future expenditures. Even real projects for important activities are not being funded in today's market.

Oro Valley's finances are not immune from the terrors of today's financial markets.

Now is the time for fiscal austerity; not fiscal insanity!


Click here to read the article.


Fear the Turtle said...

I can't believe what is happening in this town. Can't common sense prevail over the special interests of so few.
Why are the officials and employees of the town of Oro Valley pushing this park? Is it that most of the key employees of OV backing this park don't live in OV and therefore will not be affected by this tax?? Are there special relationships already in place with the GCs and contractors that will build this Park??

If this bond passes that will signal the end of OV as a stand alone entity.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Fear....Your comments are farcical and clearly outline your failure to see and understand the big picture.

What officials and employees are "pushing this park."? There have been no requests for bids as yet so how can there be, " special relationships already in place with the GCs and contractors that will build this Park??"?

Oro Valley is not and has not been a "stand alone entity" for years. And we will not survive as one. Many of the problems facing Oro Valley (water and transportation to name the two largest) are regional issues and can only be solved regionally.