Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just What We Don't Need--- A TEP 8% Rate Increase

More trouble for the home owners.

As reported in an Az Star Net article, a judge just ruled that a TEP rate increase of 8% is “just and reasonable” and in the public interest.

The 8% relates to approximately a $7.00/month increase for the average homeowner.

As a side note, the AZ Lifestyle magazine had an article on the Naranja Park. I referenced in an earlier posting today, ex council member Dick Johnson being quoted.

I wrote:

As for the article, "the intern" accepted Johnson's claim that "the monthly cost for residents would be approximately $7.00 per household." That figure is far from being accurate.

So----I guess those of us who understand these are difficult economic times will have a decision.

What's more important, paying for the necessity of electricity, or the luxury of having a park with 42 courts & fields?

Read the bad news of the rate increase here.

1 comment:

AzVicki said...

Not to mention the water rate increase in the works.