Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Conny Culver Is A Loser!

Remember Conny Culver? She was elected to the OV Council in 2004 and was a big loser in her re-election bid in 2006.

Last week, in her ill conceived letter to The Explorer, Culver saw fit to besmirch the reputation of Nancy Young Wright, our representative in the State House.

We didn't bother posting her letter for 3 reasons.

1) We knew it was full of distortions and misrepresentations, and wasn't even worthy of being printed.
2) We know Culver well enough to know that's the way she works, and that is why the voters of OV were smart enough to vote her out of office at their first opportunity.
3) We tried to stay out of the election process for the state positions being contested. (Too bad, Culver wasn't smart enough to do the same!)

We are posting the link to the Oct 29 Explorer letters that set the record straight as it concerns Nancy's tenure on the Amphi School Board. These letters are from knowledgeable, intelligent people that know the facts.

Even the two detractors that agreed with Culver, couldn't find anything more than Nancy's concern about the endangered pygmy owl.

Culver even saw fit to open her mouth again, with another letter complaining that she received a lawyer's letter as a result of her nasty filth. Too bad!

Culver had a reputation while on the council of being underhanded. We can only hope this time she won't get away with it.

Read the Explorer letters here.


Dan said...

Culver's attacks on Nancy Young Wright are entirely unmerited. As was mentioned in another Explorer letter to the editor, the Auditor’s Report referred to by Culver in her attack did nothing but exonerate Nancy Young Wright of any wrong doing.

As someone who has long been involved in the Amphi District and worked previously with Nancy Young Wright on various projects, I can affirm that Ms. Young Wright has worked to further the progress of education in our community. Her tireless reform on the Amphi School Board helped to reinstate Amphi as a top district where students, teachers, and parents are treated with respect.

Prior to Nancy Young Wright’s arrival on the Board, Amphi lacked necessary transparency, was top-heavy with administration, had lost focus on providing teachers with adequate or even competitive pay, and failed to keep pace with the astronomical growth occurring on the Northwest Side resulting in overcrowding at schools. Ms. Young Wright was undeniably a primary agent in changing each of these shortcomings in the district.

As a community it is unfortunate that there are individuals who cannot challenge our candidates with meaningful discussion and questions on the issues, and instead resort to uninformed, ill-advised, and unmerited accusations in an effort to further some undefined personal agenda. We should all expect far greater.

artmarth said...

Thanks Dan for the eloquently written comment. Those of us that know Nancy know how much she has given to the community.

On the other hand, those that not Culver shouldn't be surprised.

The only difference between the venom that Culver spewed and that of a poisonous snake, is that a snake will not attack unless provoked.

OV Objective Thinker said...

No personal attacks, Art?????

What would you call your post and your follow-up comment?

Let's remind everyone who you supported in Ms. Culver's election to the Town Council.



I have no doubt that Ms. Wright achieved some positive results for Amphi. But the bottom line on Ironwood Ridge High School is that she personally cost the taxpayers a couple of million extra dollars. That is undeniable and still unexcusable, wrong doing or no wrong doing.

artmarth said...

Yes. I was a factor in getting Culver elected in 2004 in lieu of your friend Dick Johnson, and when she proved to be unworthy I helped throw her out in her re-election bid in 2006.

That achievement however, was superseded by my efforts that helped defeat you in your unsuccessful attempts to get elected.

Dan said...


I appreciate your input. However, Nancy Young Wright did not “personally” cost taxpayers anything. A school board member acts in concert with the 4 other members of the board, and not as an individual. Any political power Ms. Young Wright wielded as a board member was collectively with the remainder of the board.

Further, much controversy surrounded the acquisition of the Ironwood Ridge property (much of which has previously been discussed) and Ms. Young Wright sought to slow the progress of the project and encourage the board to fulfill its obligations to the public in performing due diligence.

The delay based on environmental concerns (i.e. the pygmy owl) was a necessary evil and the result of the former board not taking the proper and necessary steps initially when the land was acquired (in 1994), and prior to Nancy Young Wright being elected. While you may perceive the actions of the board following the election of Ms. Young Wright as unnecessarily costing taxpayers, many of your fellow community members believe otherwise. They perceived those actions to be prudent and required, particularly in light of the mismanagement of the Ironwood Ridge project by the former school board.


Victorian Cowgirl said...


When Art tells you "no personal attacks" he is referring to the attacks you launch on other bloggers in response to their posts. What is being said about Culver is in response to her letter to the editor, the one where she cherry-picked her facts. It was not in response to a posting she placed on this blog.

artmarth said...

Hey V Cowgirl---- Don't bother explaining rationality to Cox. You'd have as much success talking to a tree---and we all know that makes no sense.

Forget that he argues with just about everyone----he even found fault with "Dan's" totally rational comments.

Let him continue his rants---as long as he can abide by the rules of the blog.

OV Objective Thinker said...


No what you really mean, and the truth is, that no personal attacks unless Art does it. Stop sticking up for that kind of behavior.

Once again someone disagrees with Art's position and he lashes out. I am beginning to wonder about his stability. His vehement outbursts are not normal. His overreaction to our discussion just wasn't something a normal person does.