Saturday, September 20, 2008

TREO Loses Marana As Member

The Arizona Daily Star reports that Marana has dropped its membership with Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities Inc (TREO).

Marana saw no benefit in spending $50,000 on this organization.

Oro Valley is a member and, in our thinking, has received no benefit either. (Well, Hizzoner did benefit: He went on a boondoggle TREO-sponored trip to Europe.)

The sidebar to the article lists the expansion of Sanofi-Aventis as one TREO's major successes in the past few years. This seems like resume-padding to us. Sanofi-Aventis purchased a business that was already in Oro Valley and already planning expansion. So, what, exactly, was TREO's role ?

We've previously advocated that Oro Valley drop its membership in TREO simply because we get nothing for our money.

So, tell us TREO, what do you do for Oro Valley?

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