Wednesday, September 10, 2008

SAHBA WHINES Some More... Loomis Agrees....

An Explorer article notes that Ed Taczanowsky head of SAHBA just doesn't understand whey Oro Valley increased its new construction impact fees at last week's meeting

Ed thinks "Oro Valley should have looked to use state-shared revenues, bed taxes and other funding sources as a way to lessen the burden on new-home buyers."

The article also quotes Mayah Loomis as saying that, given the economy, now is not the time for increased fees.

Both Taczanowsky and Loomis are shortsighted.

Town Council's five yes voters were smart to approve this measure.

Now is exactly the time to increase impact fees.

Impose these fees BEFORE the next round of town expansion, while housing starts are low. The costs, $6,000 for non water related impact fees, will easily be absorbed into cost of a new home. The median price of a new home is well into the six figures.


Zev Cywan said...

Of course SAHBA wants the town of Oro Valley to look elsewhere for 'taxes' that would pay for the necessary infrastructure from which new homebuyers will derive the benefit. Poor homebuilders, they just want us, the 'already here' residents, to foot the bill for their rampant behaviour. While there isn't much (reletively) land to further build upon in Oro Valley proper, their mouths are leaking with drool over the prospect of the potential of an Arroyo Grande PAD. And, of course, our ever 'progress at any cost' mayor comes up with another inane remark of support. Can't these people get it through their heads that it was their pressures to get everyone financed and the benefits that they received from cities and towns that has contributed enormously to the domino effect of our disturbing economy. These people are acting just like those corporate heads that have smiled their way into unimaginable riches while their companies burned. It happened to Enron,; it happened to World Com; it happened happened to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Magnus, etc., etc., etc.
Once again, WE DO NOT NEED TO HAVE THE TAIL WAGGING THE DOG. As I have ALWAYS maintained, if you don't like the way we do business here (finally with some balance and intelligence), then GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE AND TAKE YOUR BUSINESS ELSEWHERE! And, Mr. Mayor, you need some smelling salts to get the cobwebs out of your head.

boobie-baby said...

Unless Loomis and SAHBA were engaged in tasting the fruit of the vine, I doubt that they were "wining." They may have been "whining."

Please don't confuse this with the "Wailing" Festival that's held in Marana each year.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Boobie stole some of my thunder.

The impact fees decision was one supported by ignorance, lack of any business acumen and I suspect another attack on those organizations that supported other candidates. This Council is off to a great start at ruining the business community in Oro Valley.

Zev.......Most of the instances you cited are a result of extremely poor business practices or, in the case of Enron, downright illegal activity.

Be careful what you wish for. If they take their business elsewhere you will be stuck paying the taxes and fees they now contribute to the Oro Valley revenue fund. Then you will really squeal!!!

Zev Cywan said...

I do not see where the business practices in this community have been better than 'poor'. And as to legality, one businessperson in this community, when I suggested a certain practice might be illegal, shrugged his shoulders and muttered "who cares" - so much for the 'Enron mentality' difference.

You and I obviously see things from different perspectives. I have seen and am seeing too much that is out of control. It's time to take a deep breath, slow down, take stock, and then move forward. Otherwise we will never see an end to the cycle of 'violence'. I don't wish to dwell on my own depth of business experience and acumen but let me simply state that it is with 'some' personal and real knowledge that I make my assessments.

As to impact fees from new development, they are supposed to contribute to those 'items' which are a RESULT of NEW development (that's why the term 'impact fee' had been coined), not for the payment of things past. So, my opinion, if developers go elsewhere and the people go elsewhere, so be it; then we won't have the need to provide for more schools, parks, roads, etc., and perhaps we can settle in to a more hassle free life. No more impact, no more impact fees, no more insatiable hunger for more, more, more for me, me, me. And guess what? I WON'T SQUEEL!!!

mscoyote said...

Unlike some "wines" who are smooth and plesant and serve to invigorate our dining pleasure the SAHBA wine is
cheap and harmful to our health.
Maybe the SAHBA wine will be sold at
Wal-Mart or Danny's "Gourmet" market.

Just being silly but over in the coyote cave we supported the council on this vote and hope they continue to serve the people and not just the developers.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Sorry about the typo. WHINES not Wines. I know. Just type fast.


If that's all some people gotta comment on, then I guess they agree with the post!!!!

I agree, Zev. It is time to take stock and move forward with purpose and deliberation.

MR. Street said...

I don't think the builders are the only ones that are short sighted. Oro Valley is not composed entirely of retirees. You have working people and businesses. If they take their business elsewhere, so goes your hospital, your grocery store, and your police and fire departments. The town overall, does not operate in a vacuum! You should kindly remember that sir.

Zev Cywan said...

Mr. street,

Respectfully, I do not understand your post as it was directed towards me. Nowhere did I mention that OV was or should be strictly beholden to retirees; nowhere did I state that there was not a need for consideration of working people and businesses. We are in a tailspin in our economy, much of it due to greed and out of control growth (growth by whatever standards one wishes to apply).In our community I see empty storefronts galore and just this morning I read of another business 'going out' here in OV. To deny that all is not well within our growth pattern is simply putting your head in the sand and failing reality.

Politically, a few days ago, our Mayor gave a 'state of the town' address to a group that had paid(a considerable amount) to hear it. He then encouraged those in attendance to fill out a blue card for suggestions for the future of our Town exhorting that [if one wants a democracy then one should get involved]. One local citizen, Bob Oro a local dentist, who, on occassion, writes for the Northwest section of the Star, stated he [felt priviledged to have been in attendance]. Shouldn't the Mayor have delivered a State of the Town message that was before a public gathering and available for viewing at the very least on our computers? No, it was before an elitist group at a time, place, and cost not available to the everyday citizen. And, as to the content of it all, it reeked of typical gobbledegook talking points that I don't think even he could understand.

So much for the common man, mr. street!

I am NOT your enemy; I am NOT trying to take away your ability to shop or do business or 'play' here in Oro Vally, I am simply putting forth ideas against those things I which I believe might be critically damaging to YOUR future ability to live comfortably here.