Zinkin provided 3 examples of these administrative decisions:
- Overtime budget funds were moved from one department to another with no council approval.
- Activities are taking place that are being funded for which there is no council approved budget. "We need to know how much every program in this community costs so that we can make rational decisions on how we want to spend our money."
- A new position was added without council approval though all positions must be approved by council. "We have just picked up a new administrative position in one of our departments. This position was not in the Town Manager's recommended budget. Its not in the organization chart. Yet, [Oro Valley ] personnel policy 6... says that all new positions have to be approved by the town council."
None of these budget changes were approved by council, as Zinkin asserts town rules required that they should have been.
"There are administrative decisions [transfer of overtime, funding previously not funded activities, adding a new postion] being made that I don't think [should be] subject to administrative decisions," noted Council Member Zinkin.Zinkin was careful to observe that he found nothing "illegal' with present practices. Nor, he noted, were his findings a rebuke of any individual or any department. However, he did observer that the rules should be followed because these rules are integral to the internal accounting controls of the town.
Note that Zinkn could not discuss his findings in private with other all council members as this would have been a violation of the open meeting law. Rather, he properly chose this forum to present his findings.
Certainly, the town council should discuss this matter at an upcoming council meeting to decide if it wishes to enforce its controls or change them.
You should view Zinkin's presentation.
Mayor Hiremath tried to prevent Council Member Zinkin from presenting his report. Town Attorney Schwab stated that Zinkin was well within his rights as a member of council to make his presentation. Watch the discussion between Hiremath and Schwab.
We were told by several independent sources that Mayor Hiremath got up from his seat and proceeded to throw Zinkin's powerpoint document in the trash after losing his appeal to silence Zinkin. We were told that the Mayor then spent the time Zinkin presented using his cell phone.
If this is the case, perhaps Mayor Hiremath's lead role in attempting to recall Council Member Zinkin is interfering with Hiremath's ability to do his job of leading the council.
Looks like the recall effort may escalate. Maybe WE need to start a " recall Hiremath" effort. How much more damage can he do before we throw them out?
Zinkin is using his authority to bring this up as is proper within legal means. I applaud his movement forward and disregard what others are trying to do to him. I believe we should not act like Hiremath and his ilk. They are showing their true colors. Time will come when Hiremath will be voted out of office. Now we need someone to step up to run for mayor.
The mayor is not acting like a leader. He is acting like a child.
He does not need to be recalled, he needs to be impeached.
You can't see me, but I'm giving Mike a standing ovation right now!
I'm right there with you!
Remember during the Gil Alexander debacle when Hiremath wrote a letter informing him that "the council" had decided not to reappoint him to the DRB? When he got called out on that decision because the council didn't know anything about it, Hiremath claimed that the word "council" was SINGULAR and that he meant to say that the council LIAISON (Waters) had decided not to reappoint Mr. Alexander.
2013: Council = Waters = singular = one person.
Now suddenly he's all concerned that the word council is PLURAL and he's using THIS as his argument for why Council Member Zinkin should not be allowed to present this report.
HIREMATH: "I'm just curious about what council report means. Is it a report that the ENTIRE COUNCIL agrees to or is "council" being used in the loosest sense of the word, meaning AN INDIVIDUAL council member..."
So when HE needed it to mean an INDIVIDUAL, it was the STRONGEST sense of the word. But now that Zinkin is allowed to use it as an individual, suddenly "individual" is the LOOSEST sense of the word. Too funny!
2014: Council = Entire Council = plural = 7 people.
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