Perhaps another reason we don't get involved is that many of us simply don't know how. It's as easy as becoming acquainted with your neighbors or joining a club. Did you know there are many non-profit organizations and charities right here in Oro valley? Everything from The Old Arizona Brass Band to The Southern Arizona Golden Retriever Rescue. Of course, you can contribute financially to an organization; but how about volunteering your time cleaning books for the Friends of the Oro Valley Public Library or donating some art supplies to your nearest school. Where are all the neighborhood bake sales these days?
Maybe you're interested in the history of Oro Valley. How does learning about local Native American history and folklore, stories about the first settlers of our town and what has influenced Oro Valley's past development and growth sound to you? Become a member of the Oro Valley Historical Society. Not only are you helping to preserve the stories and artifacts from our town but you are creating a meaningful connection to the beautiful sites and sounds of Oro Valley that perhaps are taken for granted.
There are a vast number of reasons to get involved in your community and the benefits outweigh those efforts exponentially. So go, do, get involved, and practice random acts of kindness. Honor the days where a town had one grocery store and choose to shop locally. Introduce yourself. You are an important addition and member to Oro Valley. Help bring back a sense of community right here in our own back yards. How do you plan on getting more involved?
And those of us who are fans of texting, please never do so your mother for her birthday (sorry mom.) Send her a snail mail card. Or better yet, give her a call.
Heather Nenadovich has lived in Oro Valley a total of five years. She has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Arizona. Her husband is Canadian so she is a hockey fan by default and so are her two very clever children. When not being a mommy, she enjoys hiking in Catalina State Park, hand building pottery, and gardening. Her favorite things about living in Oro Valley are the towns recognition of art and culture, their commitment to preserving nature and the Christmas parade. (Also anything from GMG Chinese Bistro.) ---
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