This is your blog. It was never our blog. It will never be our blog. It will always be your blog.
Art Segal and I created LOVE to give a voice to the people. We were "2 guys with a blog." Art, as you know, had something to say. LOVE gave him a way to say it. Sure. We were a bit contentious and argumentative; but we always wrote with you in mind. We didn't care who's "Ox we gored." And we did gore a few.
Today, we are a New LOVE for a new Oro Valley. There are more people involved in LOVE. John Musolf.. Heather's Corner, Guest Views. Our goal is to be a publication of which you can be proud. To present facts. We conjecture in italics! .
We champion Oro Valley. We want businesses and families to locate here. We champion our town's employees. They work so hard for us every day. We support those elected officials who truly work on behalf of the people. And we will support them all even when we disagree with one of their decisions.
It's 7 years and counting.
What will year 8 bring? It will bring a huge election of a Mayor and 3 council members. It will bring the continued development of the 2015 General Plan Update, an update in which we want you to be involved. And, we are hopeful that harmony will settle over the town's elected officials so that they can do the job of the people in a respectful manner.
Yes. Year 8 will be a big year and we will be here, with you, to enjoy every minute.
Spread the word: "Let Oro Valley Excel."
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