Now This Is How The Anthem Should Be Sung
The CDO High School Choir members performed the national anthem a the "State of the Town Address and Luncheon. The luncheon was attended by more than 625 people. We'll report next week on some of what Mayor Hiremath said. Meahwhile, please enjoy the singing.
OVPD Citizen Survey Shows Respondents Praise The Cops
The Oro Valley Police Department has issued its latest citizen survey.
"In September 2006, in an effort to improve the quality of services, the Oro Valley Police Department created a citizen survey for its constituents. The survey provides a fact-finding medium to determine how the Police Department is doing from the citizens. Patrol officers, volunteers, school resource officers and crime prevention officers distribute the surveys to citizens. The surveys are also available at the Oro Valley Library and the Police Department’s main and north stations."
We think that there were 22 responses included in this survey. The top 2 crime concerns were burglary and traffic. Most who were surveyed called the police because of suspicious persons. The resondents praised the professional demeanor of the police.
Pavement Preservation: Thanks You Council? We Think Not
Pavement preservation on Pusch Ridge Lane on Wednesday was preceeded by a large portable sign extolling its virtue. At the bottom of the sign" "Brought To You By The Oro Valley Town Council." We had not idea the Oro Valley's council members were paying for pavement preservation. Fact is: It's your tax money that is paying for it. The sign should read: "Brought To You By The Residents of Oro Valley."
Richard - I'm temporarily returning from my hiatus to call you out on your hypocrisy.
You let people run very personal attacks against the council members you dislike, yet when someone posts a verifiable fact about your favorite ex-candidate for mayor and current council member, you immediately delete the post and lock down the comment section.
It is this kind of selective editing that has repelled people that hold different opinions from engaging on this blog.
It is this kind of selective editing that makes your slogan Oro Valley's Most Trusted News Soure laughable.
It is this kind of selective editing that causes a toxic political environment and further divides our community.
OV Dad,
I'm going to call you out on your hypocrisy.
Mayor Hiremath allows very personal attacks by one council member against another without banging the gavel and calling a point of order WHENEVER the attack is against a council member whom he does not like. WHENEVER the attack is against HIM or a council member whom he does like, he slams down the gavel and yells POINT OF ORDER!
It is this kind of selective editing that causes a toxic political environment and further divides our community.
OV Dad,
Want more hypocrisy? How about when Hiremath reprimanded Zinkin for turning in only an agenda as his trip report, meanwhile, he said nothing when Hornat did the same thing.
Apparently, Hornat can be reimbursed for trip expenses by simply turning in an agenda from the conference he attended, but if Zinkin wants reimbursement for a conference HE attended, he has to submit a dissertation!
If there's ever been a red herring, this is it. How am I hypocritical? Am I Mayor Hiremath? That would be news to me. I called Richard out because he's the one selectively deleting comments and closing down comment sections. He's in power. I'm not banging a gavel or reprimanding people for incomplete trip reports, so I don't understand the premise of your comparison.
I don't have much of an opinion on the two points about the mayor you mention, but let's assume I hold the views you ascribe to me. Wouldn't you then be making a tit-for-tat argument? Since when do two wrongs make a right?
While I just don't see how Hiremath's actions (whether right or wrong or somewhere in between) justify Richard's actions, I am glad you seem to agree with me that what Richard is doing is wrong.
To all...
Please stay on topic.
The prior four comments are merely a continuation of prior bickering.
Let's simply agree that we disagree on some things.
Instead of bickering. Let's find some common ground and enjoy Oro Valley.
OV Dad,
I'll try to explain why I called you a hypocrite. There have been numerous posting on this blog over the past year or so pertaining to Hiremath's antics. You have been noticeably absent from those conversations. Yet, when a critical comment is made about Mike Zinkin, you suddenly reappear to comment and to complain about deleted comments and the "lock down" of the comments section.
I know you're not the one banging the gavel, but if you complain on the RARE occasion that Richard deletes a comment or shuts down the comments section (bangs the gavel) while you remain silent on the FREQUENT occasions when Hiremath silences his opposition (bangs the gavel and shuts down the comments section of the meeting)...that's the hypocrisy.
Hiremath has done many questionable things as mayor, most having to do with favoritism and a lack of objectivity as a result, and others having to do with his bullying and immaturity and belittling of anyone who disagrees with him...and you've said nothing.
Here's something we might agree on: Loomis ran a far more professional meeting than Hiremath ever has. I couldn't stand Loomis...but...I'm objective enough to see and admit that he was far more adept at running a meeting than Hiremath.
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