"Maintaining a long-term vision for a community is essential for healthy growth. When we look forward at our towns humble beginnings it is amazing how far we've come,' Hiremath observed, Reflecting on Oro Valley's history, from 1874 to its inception as a town in 1974. Steam Pump Ranch is an important part of this heritage. "We're also coming up on the town's 40th anniversary. We'll be celebrating that on April 14, 2014."
Referencing the 2015 general plan update: "Its time for Oro Valley to update the general plan.," the Mayor observed. "This is the foundation for success is the community grows moves forward. It is our roadmap for the next 10 years. And the only way to ensure that this roadmap accurately reflects our community is to engage our residents, business owners, and other stakeholders in a public participation process. Today is the official launch of that process entitled: 'Your voice. Our future.'"
"The town needs to remain true to its core values while also remaining flexible as changes come."
The mayor speech included a number of examples of Oro Valley's accomplishments, all of which are summarized in a collateral document attendees received:
- The pavement preservation program
- Continued investment in the Oro Valley Police Department. " Oro Valley's police department and the community services it provides are so deeply intertwined with our identity and our resident's expectations that cutbacks in this area were not an option" Hiremath noted that Oro Valley SRO program, a program which we have extolled, as going way beyond the status quo of other communities.
- Annexationis an avenue of growth. Mayor Hiremath referenced this year's annexation of the Oracle/Ina business and community zone. This annexation "...will have a positive fiscal impact on the town, including the addition of 2 major community assets: Tohono Chul Park and the Quality Inn."
- "There are as many residents living in Oro Valley who are under the age of 18 as their are over the age of 65. Oro Valley is no longer just a retirement community. For quite some time, the young people of Oro Valley have been the most underserved segment of our population, but we have been working very hard to change that," the Mayor noted, giving the archery range and the aquatic center as examples of areas where Oro Valley has improved services to youth.
- Oro Valley high school graduation rates are higher than the average of Arizona.
- In 2012, single family residence building permits issued were 275% over the previous year. Total permits for all properties jumped 36%.
The speech and all supporting collateral materials was an advertisement for Oro Valley. It was upbeat. It extolled the town's virtues. The speech presented a number of excellent examples of accomplishments. Mayor Hiremath spoke knowldgeably and flawlessly.
Misty Nowak, Oro Valley's Director of Communications, developed the speech with Mayor Hiremath. She prepared, or caused such, the collateral materials. Our complements to Misty. This was an outstanding accomplishment of presenting the values in the virtues of our town to the community. Misty and here team is an example of the kind of quality support that works for the town of Oro Valley. They, too, help make our community great.
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