Reminder: These are the remaining HiVE enforcement times for thi smooth. HiVE is motorcycle police enforcement on Oracle between Magee and Suffolk Drive.
- Feb. 18, 2013 7 - 10 a.m.
- Feb. 21, 2013 4 - 7 p.m.
- Feb. 22, 2013 4 - 7 p.m.
Congratulations to Council Member Mike Zinkin. Mike has been appointed "... to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2013 Community and Economic Development Policy and Advocacy Committee. This Committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC federal policy positions on issues involving housing, community and economic development, land use, recreation and parks, historic preservation, and international competitiveness. The appointment was announced by NLC President Marie Lopez Rogers, mayor, Avondale, Arizona." (Source: Oro Valley Press Release)

Trapped in Oro Valley: The intersection of Oracle Road and Ina, just south of Oro Valley, has become a nightmare. This intersection is a major gateway between Oro Valley and Tucson. It's not possible to avoid using it if you are traveling south or east. This is because La Canada, south of Ina Road is under construction from Ina to River Road. It will be such for at least two more years. Meanwhile, the "geniuses" in highway planning, decided to start the reconstruction of the Ina and Oracle intersection. That is a three year project. What will result, is what is called a "Michigan Turn System" where, if you want to take a left turn, you will have to drive past the intersection and make a u-turn.
New Parks and Recreation Director, Kristy Diaz-Trahan, oversees her first Parks and Recreation Commission meeting this coming Tuesday. We have met with Kristy. She is enthusiastic with possibilities for Oro Valley. We will follow with more next week.
With all the major arteries being under construction at once, it has become impossible to get to any of the doctor's offices/medical centers on LaCholla or Orange Grove or Ina without going at least 10 minutes out of your way to get there.
Can't take LaCholla to get to Ina or Orange Grove because that's torn up.
Can't take LaCanada to get to Orange Grove because that's torn up.
Can't take Shannon to get to Magee to then get to Ina or even to Thornydale because that's also torn up.
Who is the "brilliant mastermind" behind all of this?
New Motto.
Oro Valley, you can't get there from here.
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