Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Planning and Zoning Commission Approves "Fast Track" For Innovation Park Projects


Last night, the Oro Valley Planning and Zoning Commission by a 6-0 vote approved the "fast track" approval process for Innovation Park projects.

Citizens have spoken and written about the need to have some public input, hearings, into the process.  Commissioner Cox commented that he thought some public input should be put into the process but voted for it without any public input.  Resident Bill Adler stated that comments by Paul Keesler and Dave Williams that public input sometimes hurts the current process were offensive to him.  Dave Perry, head of the Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce commented that the chamber fully supports "fast track" with not changes.

The commission approved version of the "fast track" plan does not include public input.

Next Up: This item will be on to the October 3, 2012 Town Council meeting for public hearing and vote.


Faveaunts said...

Are you saying that none of the community's concerns discussed at the 8/29 neighborhood meeting were discussed by the P&Z Commission last night? And none of the written letters were reviewed publicly? A decided lack of transparency exists in this Town. It is appalling how they ram things through & work to eliminate the "Voice of the People."

OV Objective Thinker said...

Faveaunts....While I cannot speak for the other commission members, I can tell you that all letters that were submitted were sent to each commission member. I did review all of them and frankly there was little in them that required any discussion. One simply stated that they wanted everything to stay he same with absolutely no supporting commentary. Another expressed some concerns but never stated whether they were opposed or in favor.

And many of the concerns that were expressed at the 8/29 meeting were a part of the conversation. While I don't defend Furash often, it is not his place to place into the confines of this blog everything that was said. You can listen to the hearing on the Town website.

If you had such a vested interest in this item, why were you not there to speak your thoughts to the commission? That may have been helpful. You appear willing to complain but not willing to invest. That's not unusual for many here.