Thursday, September 6, 2012

Council Meeting Highlights: Aquatic Center Logo Unveiled

Oro Valley's New Aquatic Center Logo
Oro Valley unveiled its new logo for the aquatic center at last night's Oro Valley Town Council meeting.  MTCVB  worked with the town to create it.  Economic Development Director Amanda Jacobs noted that the help from MTCVB was greatly appreciated.  The town needed to create the logo quickly so that the logo could used by MTVB to promote the aquatic center at an upcoming international swim.

Allison Cooper, Oro Valley resident and MTCVB Director of Marketing, presented the logo.  Allison noted that the aquatic center logo was designed to be:
  • Usable across all media channels
  • Easily understood
  • Clean and simple
  • Timeless
  • Contemporary
  • Representative of Oro Valley
Also, the town will have a new web site: for the aquatic center.  (Web site is not yet operating)

Allison also showed collateral material (a mesh bag) to be handed out by MTCVB to swim conference to attendees. The bag has TUCSON SPORTS in big letters in the middle of it and in small letters at the bottom of the bag. Tucson is predominate on the mesh bag and Oro Valley very small letters.  We do wish it had been the other way around!
Last night, in the "call to audience" section, Bill Adler spoke regarding his perception that there has been reduction in the level of service at the Oro Valley Library since it was taken over by the county.  Bill remembers being assured that the services will be the same at the public hearing that was held regarding the transfer of the library to the county . Bill believes that the service has degraded. There are, he notes, no new programs. The web site is more difficult to navigate.
Did anyone else actually believe that the level of service at the library would be the same under county control?

Items D, the TREO report, was pulled  from the consent agenda for further discussion.  Councilman Garner noted that the report regarding specifics about Oro Valley were missing from the report.  The report was accepted on a 7-0 vote.

Regular agenda item actions:
  • Approval of a liquor license for Wal-Mart by a 7-0 unanimous vote.
  • A DUI home sentence resolution was approved for the magistrate court to use.  This may result in a reduction of incarceration costs. 
  • By a 6-1 margin (Zinkin dissenting), the council approved reducing citizen input into the construction design process.
  • A sign code amendment to add specific fines for sign code violations was denied, 5-2.   As we noted in a previous posting, the town has no means of nor any interest in enforcing these violations. They will consider what to do sometime in the next six months.
Meeting time: 2h 20 mins.

1 comment:

Faveaunts said...

It is obvious that the Town has no interest in hearing from pesky Town residents. I hope we get some new blood for the next election. Sounds like a good time to "vote them all out."