This month's Oro Valley economic development report lists Planet Fitness as a identified tenant of the Target Shopping Center (aka Rooney Ranch). They are a franchise operation. This would be the first facility in southern Arizona.
According to their web site: " To open 1 club requires:
- Total liquid assets of all partners: $500,000
- Total net worth of all partners: $1.5 million
- Total liquid assets of all partners: $1.5 million
- Total net worth of all partners: $3 million
Read the Explorer's one-sided "no police study" needed piece titled: "OV Police Study Not A Dead Issue." First of all, the study is not a study of the police. It is a study of the operations of the Police Department and its budget. Second, the study will never see the light of day as long as Mayor Hiremath, and Council Member Waters, Snider and Hornat are on council. They are the majority. They were endorsed for their positions by the police associations. They will never vote for this study.
For your convenience, we have provided links to web sites of all candidates running for three positions of importance to Oro Valley residents: County Supervisor, County Sheriff, and Congressional District 1. You can access the links in the "interesting links" section of the right column. The are listed alphabetically with the other "interesting links".
Did you now? "It is illegal to feed javelina and other wildlife, except for birds and tree squirrels, in Pima County?" (A.R.S. 13-2927)
This from an email message from one of our bloggers regarding Oro Valley's Town Council rejecting any stiffeing of fines for sign code violations:
"Part of the problem is the council approved some latitude in temporary signage because of the bad economy. It will expire in Feb or March 2013. Therefore, violations have no teeth for enforcement. Although Bill (Garner) and Mike (Zinkin) wanted some tough enforcement, the rest of the council denied it last night. The DIS department even left Bill and Mike hung out to dry by backing off the problem that DIS brought up in the first place."
Though most on the Oro Valley Town Council rubber stamp TREO's quarterly reports, those on the Tucson City Council don't. According to a repotrt in the Daily Star, Tucson councilmen Richard Fimbres and Steve Kozachik asked [TREO President Joe] Snell to clarify the [jobs] numbers and provide specific examples of the jobs created. Snell responded that the numbers don't reflect actual jobs, but are projections based on the numbers given to TREO by the companies it works with." It seems like its always "smoke and mirrors" when it comes to TREO. (Source: Arizona Daily Star)
Oro Valley Police receive grant funding from GOHS
ORO VALLEY, Ariz. (September 6, 2012) - The Oro Valley Police Department has received a grant from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) for personnel deployments and equipment. Recognizing the importance of impaired driver interdiction, traffic safety and education, the Oro Valley Police Department works closely with GOHS to ensure that these funds are utilized in an efficient and effective manner. The Oro Valley Police Department has a commendable history in traffic safety and its zero-tolerance approach to impaired driver enforcement. This grant will bolster support in achieving our mission objectives – reducing impaired driving and the tragic losses associated with this crime, increase traffic safety awareness through education and enforcement. Grant funding for $55,390.00 has been approved and available after October 1, 2012. (Source: Oro Valley Press Release. Read KVOA Report)
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