Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The "Mother Of All Agendas"-Part 1

Mayor Hiremath has created the "Mother of All Agendas" for this Wedesday's Oro Valley Town Council Meeting.  There are 7 items on the regular portion agenda.  There are 17 items on the consent portion of agenda.

They Mayor has crammed several Oro Valley Council Meetings into one.  

Let's look at the consent portion of the agenda.

First, here's the rule that applies to when an item should be considered a consent agenda item:
 "When any item of business requires action by the council, but is of a routine and noncontroversial nature, such item may be presented at a regular meeting of the council as part of a consent agenda." (Source: Oro Valley Town Code).
"Routine and non controversial nature?"
  • Item I: "Resolution No. (R)12-37, Authorizing and Approving a Financial Participation Agreement [for three years!] with the Metropolitan Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau (MTCVB)"
  • Item P: Resolution No. (R)12-44, Authorizing and Approving a Financial Participation Agreement between the Town of Oro Valley and Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities, Inc. (TREO)  
  • Item L: Resolution No. (R)12-40, Authorizing and Approving an Inmate Work Contract with the Arizona Department of Corrections, on behalf of the Arizona State Prison-Marana Community Correctional Treatment Facility, to Perform Maintenance Tasks. (This is an "unsupervised" program)
  • Item J: Resolution No. (R)12-38, Authorizing and Approving a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Grant Agreement with the City of Tucson Allowing for Two (2) Officers to be Assigned to the Pima County/Tucson Metropolitan Counter Narcotics Alliance (CNA)
  • Item K: Resolution No. (R)12-39, Authorizing and Approving a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Grant Agreement with the City of Tucson Allowing for One (1) Officer to be Assigned to the Pima County HIDTA Investigative Task Force (PCHITF) "If approved, this agreement will provide continued funding for salary and benefits in the amount of $90,276 for one (1) Town of Oro Valley Police Department officer for fiscal year 2012/2013.
We don't think that these items are "routine and non controversial in nature." 

Certainly, these items should be pulled for more intensive public discussion: "Upon objection by any member of the council to inclusion of any item on the consent agenda, that item shall be removed from the consent agenda forthwith." (Source: Oro Valley Town Code)

There a hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenditures listed here.  We were "told" when the budget past the the new Council will have an opportunity to influence spending.  Well, folks, now is the time.

We don't know why Mayor Hiremath thinks that all of the 17 items on the consent agenda are "routine and noncontroversial."  We do know that he does think they are "routine and noncontroversial" since he has placed them on the consent agenda.  We can only guess what he is thinking.

Our guess is that he's trying to cram as much into each meeting as possible so that he will  not have to conduct that many meetings.  After all, he has cancelled most of the summer's council meetings.  Mayor Hiremath, it seems, simply wants to be Mayor without doing the work of Mayor.  He simply does not want to discuss the issues or  have the issued discussed.  His attitude appears to be: "Let's get done and get the heck out of here."  This is no way to run the Town or Oro Valley.


Nombe Watanabe said...

Why does the Mayor want to give my tax money to MTCVB and TREO?

Keep the money here in OV!!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Most of the items that are on the consent agenda are routine (defined as "a regular procedure") because they are normally on the consent agenda and have been for several years. Because they are controversial to 15-20 resident out of 41,000 is not sufficient reason to be on the regular agenda.

I would also applaud the Council's decision (not Mayor Hiremath's decision)to take a summer recess. That allows more of the people's work to be done during the time of the year when more residents are present.

Frankly the accusation, " wants to be Mayor without doing the work of Mayor is not only insulting but laughable. In my opinion, this mayor works far more and harder than anyone I know that is associated with the management of this blog.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Thinker also believed that Council Member Solomon was only controversial to the exact same 15-20 residents who also oppose giving our tax dollars to MTCVB and TREO.....and yet Solomon was not re-elected.

Gee, I could have sworn that he lost the election by more than 15-20 votes.