Thursday, May 17, 2012

Council "Slam Dunks" 2012-2013 Budget

The Oro Valley Town Council voted to approved the staff submitted town budget for 2012-2013 by a 6-0 vote (Council Member Bill Garner not present.)  We have previously written about this budget including our position that approval of such should have been done by the new Council seated on June 6, and not the present Council.   No matter.  The budget has been "slammed dunked', approved seven current members,  two of whom will not be on Council and not subject to it.  Mike Zinkin and Brendan Burns, the two incoming members, will be subject to a budget into which they have had no input.

This is the politics of "slam dunk", when five members of Council operated to "get it their way".

It leaves us all with an uncomfortable feeling.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

Mary Snider is a flip-flopping hypocrite.

In 2010, she pushed for waiting until the new council members were seated before voting on the budget.

In 2012, she pushed for voting on the budget prior to the new council members being seated.

Mary Snider is not for the people. She is for Mary Snider and Mary Snider's buddies.

Christopher Fox said...

Like I mentioned a while back, this is the kind of thing that people will remember the next time they fill out a ballot....

Nombe Watanabe said...

Mary Snider and her flying monkeys shall regret this day.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Thing is...

I dont' think that "Mary or her flying monkeys" care what we think. Fact is, they consider the last election to be a statistical anomaly. To them, there was no "mandate". After all, they feel that they are doing a great job!

They will continue to run the Council as they see fit.

chuck davis said...

treo funding and oro valley chamber funding is not the way i would like to see my tax dollars spent. No accountability of their actions. money better spent in our own economic development activities. Not sure of this, ask marana if you are interested in best practices.

Fear the Turtle said...

This is a joke, and we the taxpayers are the brunt of the TREO funding bad joke! We have been punked!!

Take a look at today's Star and on the front page is a "nice" article about their recent freakin junket to San Diego. Why are we paying for this crap??

Where are the tangible results from trips like this??

This funding will come back to haunt those council members who voted to approve this serious waste of my money!!

Richard Furash, MBA said...

is the link to read the article to which "Feat The Turtle" refers.