Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bits and Pieces: Oro Valley Police Department Annual Report

The 2011 Oro Valley Police Department Annual Report was released Friday.  The cover quotes Mayor Hiremath: "“Oro Valley has one of the top—if not THE top—police departments in the state of Arizona.” 

Some interesting "bits and pieces" from the report:
  • "Currently, The Town has Neighborhood Watch groups consisting of 3,200 homes." (p. 15)
  • The Crimes Free Multi-Housing "program is similar to Neighborhood Watch but for apartment complexes. It encourages neighbors to interact with one another but also holds apartment managers to strict criteria when signing leases with new tenants. In return, the Police Department advises management of any police responses to their property so they are aware of any situations."(p. 15)
  • The Department received almost 13,900 volunteer hours in 2011, down from almost 17,000 hours in 2010.(p. 15)
  • In 2011, there were 749 property crimes and 28 violent crimes (p. 19)
  • Personnel and Equipment grant monies totaled $578,000 and $168,000 in 2011. (p. 24)
  • The Department generated $42,735 from copying police reports in 2011. (p. 24)
  • The value of seized money recovered from convicted criminals totaled $490,500. Uses include: "Training personnel and purchasing necessary equipment that is currently unattainable through general fund." (p. 24)
Click here to download the report.

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