Monday, April 16, 2012

Mark Napier: Candidate For Pima County Sherriff

The following is a message from Mark Napier. Mark is announcing that he is a candidate for Sheriff of Pima County. Mark's outstanding background in criminal justice, both as a law enforcement officer and an instructor at Boston University, makes him uniquely qualified to be Pima County Sheriff.

As you know, being elected to office requires more than simply being qualified. One also must have the personality and character to be likable; and the convictions to "stand tall" when tough decisions must be made.

We have had the opportunity to meet with Mark during and after the recent Oro Valley primary elections. Mark has all of these characteristics. He will do a fine job as Pima County Sheriff.

Here are Mark's words.
"Hello my friends.

I am sorry that I have been away from the blog for a while.  Life has taken a new, unexpected and exciting turn for me.  After a lot of discussion with my family and several friends in the Republican Party, and even my good friend Richard, I have decided to enter the race for Pima County Sheriff.  It is late in the process and it will be an uphill climb, but I am convinced it can be done.  Moreover, I am convinced that I am the candidate that can defeat Dupnik in November.

Many of you know my background in law enforcement and I think most of you know my sustained commitment to public service.  I came to realize that the office of Sheriff is my calling.  Our community can simply not afford another four years of Dupnik’s leadership, or the lack thereof.  I know that we may have had our differences in the past, but I am hoping that all of you will support my run for Sheriff.  You have my word that I will restore leadership and pride to the Pima County Sheriff’s Department.  Please visit my website at

I would be remiss if I did not close in saying a few words about Oro Valley.  My love for this community, my home, is unabated.  I hope that as we move toward seating a new Council that we can keep the tone of our discourse positive.  I have noticed that Richard has taken a more positive tone and I am so pleased by that.  We can and should disagree.  It is the manner in which we disagree that can be positive and constructive, or negative and destructive.  We should challenge the things that we see as wrong and hold all elected officials accountable.  The greatest challenge to what is wrong is the light of thoughtful scrutiny, as what is wrong cannot stand the positive light of public scrutiny.  When that scrutiny turns negative, it becomes the focus and the wrongs are seldom addressed.  Just my closing thoughts."

Mark Napier

1 comment:

Conny said...

Mark is not a partisan sort of man. I believe he would represent all of us in Oro Valley and throughout Pima County.

Our Pima County real estate taxes are the highest in the state. Mark would run the Sheriff's department in an effective and efficient manner thus saving precious taxpayer dollars. Mark is the Canidate that will represent fiscal accountability and restraint.

I hope you'll take a minute to visit his website,

Please join me in supporting his candidacy!