Sunday, April 15, 2012

Former Council Person KC Carter Passes On

We learned that Kenneth "KC" Carter, former Oro Valley Council Member, passed on today.   Ken was 84 years old.  He was a retired civil engineer who moved to Oro Valley in 1994.  KC served on Council from 2006 through 2010.  KC remained active in Oro Valley.

We have no information on plans for a service or wishes of his family.


Mark Napier said...

KC Carter cared a great deal for our community and became a close friend of mine. He was most certainly a character. KC had a real passion for Oro Valley. He genuinely cared for Oro Valley and its future. When you put yourself out there you often find yourself the target of criticism. While I did not agree with everything he said or did, I did always know that his heart was in the right place. He was very good to me personally. He gave advice with kindness and always ended up by saying, do what you think is right. He stepped up and served our community. He was always at community meetings and was a fixture at the Farmers Market on Saturday mornings. This despite his advancing years and mobility problems. KC was from the same part of Iowa as my parents. I think that is why we bonded together so well. He was gruff and direct with me, like my own father is, which I think made me appreciate him even more. He called me in my office many morning around 7:30 to chat. I will miss hearing that gruff voice on the line, "Mark, this is KC..."

I will miss KC. Everyone of us has our faults. KC Carter was a good man, and I am better for having known him as a friend.

Mark Napier

Richard Furash, MBA said...


Your remarks on Casey are heart warming.

I would love for others to share their kind words.


Nombe Watanabe said...

KC did what many of us will not or can not do.

He ran for office and accepted that you can only please half the people half the time.

Thank You for your service to the community.

arizonamoose said...

I agree with Mark Napier that KC Carter cared a great deal for our community. KC did have a real passion for Oro Valley. He genuinely cared for Oro Valley and its future.

I remember KC from many of the Town Council Meetings I attended. While I did not agree with everything he said or did, I did always know that his heart was in the right place.

I remember one of the times I got involved with KC. He was supporting the formation of the Stormwater Utility. I really didn’t think we needed the Utility and its tax. KC spent time with me in a very civil way and showed me how it was something that was for the good of Oro Valley. His arguments convinced me that I should support it because it was for the good of the community. He wasn’t looking for whether I supported him or some other council member personally, or that it was right or wrong, but that it was good for Oro Valley.

KC Carter was unselfish that way. His service to the community should not be forgotten.

John Musolf

OV Objective Thinker said...

KC will be missed. KC and I were good buds.

Many moons ago, KC and I were'taking a break' from a Town Council meeting and he was standing next to me. He said, "Cox, I'm gonna tell ya what we need to do with that park thing." (Naranja Park)

"We need to get that into the hands of the Indians and let them put in a gd casino". We wouldn't have any trouble with funding then."

From then on I would ask him how that casino thing was going. And he would just look at me wink and grin.

RIP my friend!!!