Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Trashman Cometh To Rancho Vistoso

What began as a simple request, has become a "row" between Appointed Council Member and 2012 Council Candidate Steve "The Trashman" Solomon and Rancho Vistoso.

See our earlier post,:"The Appointed One Solomon Trashes Oro Valley " regarding Solomon's trashy signs.

Now comes Rancho Vistoso.

Solomon has interpreted a state law regarding political signs to mean that he can put his giant yellow signs anywhere he wants in Rancho Vistoso.  Rancho Vistoso, however, believes that signs should be put only where the law allows: on an individual's private property.   Also, Rancho Vistoso has a common space for signs at Rancho Vistoso Blvd and Moore Road.

Who is right?

The people who are going to vote are always right, regardless of their legal standing.

With Steve Solomon, however, its all about Steve Solomon.  When it comes to Oro Valley, Solomon doesn't care what Rancho Vistoso wants. He only cares what he wants.

That, friends, is exactly the way he will govern.


OV Objective Thinker said...

So why are Solomons signs more "trashy" than Zinkin's or Garner"s.

Nombe Watanabe said...

In this case LEWIS MANAGEMENT is right!

Because LEWIS MANAGEMENT is always right.

Just ask them.

artmarth said...

cox (OVOT) asks the question: Why are Solomon's signs more trashy than those of Bill Garner, Mike Zinkin, and let's not forget Brendan Burns---3 outstanding candidates for OV Town Council?

Bill, Mike & Brendan continue to show respect by keeping their signs within the boundaries that Oro Valley allows for signs.

Bill, Mike & Brendan continue to show respect to Oro Valley by keeping their signs within the size constraints required by the town.

Bill, Mike & Brenden choose not to use ridiculous yellow signs that are FIVE FEET HIGH, and unlike Solomon, their signs are not every few hundred feet of each other.

Why is this?

Two main reasons:

1) Bill, Mike & Brenden will not flaunt the Oro Valley Town Code as to size & location of signs----and

2) Bill, Mike & Brendan do NOT have the Special Interests supporting their candidacy and don't have all that money to spend on trashing the town.

Don't let Special Interest money buy this election.


OV Objective Thinker said...

Nombe...I love your response. They are just like any other property management company....their bark is far worse than their bite.

art..... Unfortunately in this case state law allows for the sign to be placed in areas outside of our designated sign zones. My suggestion is that you contact Jan Brewer and complaign. I am sure she will listen to you and grant your every wish. I am sorry you are offended by yellow but in time I think you will get over it......or you won't.
Have a wonderful Oro Valley day.

Ralph Hemminger said...

I emailed Solomon a week ago:

Steve Solomon!

Why are you trashing our neighborhoods in the Rancho Vistoso area with your political signs???

I don't know you. Never been to a Council meeting. Don't know if the signs are allowed. But it is apparent you don't care about the appearance of the neighborhoods in Oro Valley. I don't know what you or your supporters are thinking! But, I and many of my neighbors will not vote for any candidate who will trash our roadways with the blight of political signs. Please remove your signs!!!!!!!!!!

His reply:
I agree with you, I also don't like political signs or politics. I do care about Oro Valley and have been very active in improving our Town for over 16 years. Unfortunately, the reality is that one needs to participate in the political process and signs are a necessary part of an election. All my signs are in complete conformance with the State law regarding their size, placement and time of display.

Perhaps you would like to learn more about myself and my accomplishments and visions for our Town, as opposed to determining how you vote based upon a sign.


Steve Solomon

My last email back to him:

Sounds more that it is about you and not what is good or right for the Town of Oro Valley. In my opinion, placing the signs along Rancho Vistoso Blvd. in our community will not get you elected. It is obvious, your vision is to trash and blight our community for your own intended political and personal gain!!

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hello RalphSVC,

Thank you for sharing your communications with Steve "The Trashman" Solomon.

The reason I published the posting was to point out how little Solomon cares about Oro Valley; and how much he cares about himself and his election.

The point of the posting and something that you also note is that someone who loves Oro Valley would not seek to make it look like trash even for personal gain.

In addition, why would anyone choose to deliberately disenfranchise an entire Master Neighborhood by not listening to what they are saying.

It is not about whether the signs are "legal based on state law". It is about the fact that residents of the area do not want these signs placed where they are.

It is about Solomon accommodating the neighbors. It is not the job of the neighbors to accommodate Appointed Council Member and 20112 Council Candidate Steve Solomon.

He won't bend on this.

He is intractable.

Solomon's arrogance toward the people of Rancho Vistoso and his focus on himself to the detriment of the desires of the neighbors is what he brings to Council.

Solomon's actions demonstrate that he brings the wrong kind of leadership to Oro Valley.

OV Objective Thinker said...

You can please some of the people some of the time. You can please all of the people some of the time. You cannot please all of the people all of the time.

Whether I agree or disagree with you on the color, size or shape of Solomon's I would hope that there is more to an argument on whether to vote for or against a candidate than his/her signs.

artmarth said...

cox--- There were almost enough reasons why you never got elected to serve on the Town Council, than Solomon, who will never get elected regardless of how much money the Special Interest Groups throw his way.

Too many voters of Oro Valley had enough of Solomon and his antics.

That man continues to show total disdain to the people, and enough people know all too much about how they can not trust "The Appointed One," Solomon.


OV Objective Thinker said...

Gosh art. That's almost a compliment coming from you.

In fact now I am somewhat disappointed that there is someone in this community that you dislike more than me.

I have let me down.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

Solomon's signs are trashy because they are EVERYWHERE. You know, just like the Kardashian's!

Solomons's signs are trashy because they are literally littering our town. He's been on the council for about 2 years. If he's so sure that he's done an outstanding job and that the citizens are happy with him, then he wouldn't need to bombard us with his signs.

The other candidates have been respectful in their sign placement.

Some of the Solomon signs I've seen have been placed on land owned by developers. If they scratch his back now, you can bet he will be scratching their backs later if he wins. Why are developers endorsing him?

Do you want a council member who is working for developers or one who is working for YOU?

With Solomon placing so many signs in Rancho Vistoso, it gives the misleading impression that the residents of Rancho Vistoso are endorsing him.

In Solomon's response to "Ralph" he said..."I also don't like political signs or politics."

If you don't like political signs, then stop spreading them all over our town like an amoeba.

And why would I vote for someone who is running for political office while claiming that he does not like politics? That sounds like someone who is running for his own personal gain.

Thinker tries to simplify all this by claiming that our argument is weak because it's only about signs. No, it's not. It's about what the volume of the signs indicate and it's about what the placement of the signs indicate.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

I was alerted by phone at 5:30 PM of an offensive comment posted by one of our bloggers.

I have obliteraged that comment and all comments relating to it.

No offensive comments will ever be allowed on this blog.


OV Objective Thinker said...

Thank you Richard.

It was unfortunate that the discussion regarding who is going to lead out great community degraded to something nonsensical. I find myself in agreement with some of the commentary regarding the political signage. But let us not lose sight of the fact that they are signs. There are far more important issues on which to base a sound decision.

Desert Voice said...

How interesting to drive RVB and notice no Trashman signs anywhere near Honey Bee Canyon or Stone Canyon...Hmmm??? There is one that appears to be on Vistoso Heights property, an RV Community subdivision. However, this blogger did not see any, yes, any near Trashman's own subdivision. Maybe my vision is failing.

NB Narcaroti and Napier's even more numerous signs are placed near the Trashman's...Wonder what that strategy is all about, don't you?