Monday, February 6, 2012

Let's Be Sure Local Elections Are Non Partisan

We have learned, from a very reliable source, that one of the two major political parties is telephoning their "precinct captains", urging them to hold the party line and support certain candidates of their political persuasion.

On the local level, party affiliation and party thinking has nothing to do with what we all want to happen on the local level.

In Oro Valley it is not about the labels: Democrat, Republican, Liberal or Conservative.

It is about the quality of life we wish to pursue in Oro Valley.

  • It is about whether we want a 34 foot apartment building blocking our view. 
  • It is about whether we want the town to support welfare for business. 
  • It is about whether half of the Oro Valley budget should be vigorously reviewed or simply left to exist because it is about "Public Safety".  
  • It is about whether we want Developers to have their way with our General Plans, or PAD's, and our zoning codes. 
  • It is about whether the citizens of Oro Valley should pay a $1 million premium to have a library that has an affiliate status.
  • It is about fiscally conservative values, values that do not include an increase in our utility tax. 
  • It is about fiscally conservative values that do not include code phrases like "A continuing source of revenue" when the the real term is "PROPERTY TAX."

Party affiliation means nothing at the local level.

Our mailing list, our bloggers, include liberals, conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

Locally, we are all part of a great melting pot.

So if your Party calls to prevail upon you to vote for specific candidates, do, like I do. Tell them to focus on the national elections and stay the heck out of Oro Valley.

Then vote for the three candidates who best represent your beliefs and values in relation to how you want to live your life in Oro Valley.


artmarth said...

Good post Zee Man.

However---in order for you to be "nonpartisan," you obviously thought it best not to mention the ONLY three candidates worthy of our support.

Inasmuch as we all wish to Let Oro Valley Excel,I believe it's best to let ALL of the readers know; to start a new beginning in Oro Valley we must elect:




Ferlin said...

"We" came together on "We are Oro Valley"... and have a decided mutual wish to have the citizens a voice.

Look at the signs--the Appointed One has the $ to display his "experience" in a grand way.

Is it The Developer (Steve Solomon)--that is his experience--you want?

I would like to know Steve Solomon's plan for OV. I have heard that "the forum" is cancelled.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

What forum? The one in Sun City?

Nombe Watanabe said...

I just cannot believe that the political parties. (both dishonored and failed organizations in my opinion) could care about small town elections.

I would like to see some evidence of this claim.

Anonymous said...

GREAT post! The Oro Valley Town Council is NONPARTISAN. Let's keep it that way.