Thursday, February 16, 2012

Solomon's Postcard: "Who Are You Kidding?"

By now,  we're sure, you received a giant 8.5" x 5.5" postcard from Appointed Council Member and 20112 Council Candidate Steve Solomon.  The address side shows endorsements by the Oro Valley Police Officers Association and the Fraternal Order of Police.  The content side touts three "accomplishments' of Steve Solomon.

Yesterday, we  posted regarding the value of the endorsements of the police associations: Valueless.

Solomon has been on council as an appointed member since June 10, 2010.

Let's focus now on the accomplishments that Steve touts after nearly two years on council.

1.  Balanced the budget.
  • Wrong.  
  • Just 7 days after being “appointed” to the Town Council,Steve Solomon voted to approve the FY2010/2011 budget that had an original projected deficit of 1.8 million.
  • Illustrating his ongoing budget balancing expertise at the July 21, 2010 Town Council Meeting (a month later),  Council Member Solomon motioned and Council Member Hornat seconded a motion to December 24th and December 31st as paid "vacation" days for all employees  at a cost of $136,000.
  • The Same Council (of which Steve was a member) that approved the FY 2010/2011 budget “inherited” from themselves a new FY2011/2012 budget with a projected deficit of $2.6 million. The FY2011/2012 budget is the one he claims he and the Council “balanced”.  Continuing to show his budget expertise Steve, voted to double your utility taxes from 2% to 4% or $1.3 million out of your pocket to help close this new budget gap.  Another way Steve continued to show his budget expertise was to work with the council to look at other ways to cut the budget. A choice recommended by Steve and the Mayor and 3 other members of the Council (except Bill Garner and Barry Gillaspie) was to eliminate Coyote Run from the budget saving $200,000. 
  • Balanced The Budget? Maybe on the backs of the taxpayers and at the expense of senior citizens.
2.  Providing for our seniors by saving Coyote Run:
  • Wrong.
  • The State Funding (LTAF) for Coyote Run was cut on March 10, 2010 three months prior to Steve’s “appointment” to the Council.  To quote Steve on his flyer: “I initiated an agreement with the RTA that provides sustainable funding for our Coyote Run, greatly reducing Town Costs”.   Really, Steve, all by yourself?
  • Actually, Council Member Bill Garner saved Coyote Run!  The Town Council originally had the Coyote Run Transit Service on the Town Budget chopping block for elimination in the FY2011/2012 budget. Council Member Garner recommended diverting a percentage of the Town Budget Bed Tax Revenue to fund Coyote Run for the short term (one year) and it was approved.  Mayor Hiremath voted against this motion. 

 Garner, not Solomon, saved Coyote Run!
  • Mayor Hiremath subsequently appointed a sub-committee of two councilmen, Lou Waters and Steve Solomon, to identify long-term Coyote Run alternatives. 
  • On October 24, 2011, town staff and this sub-committee recommended a Coyote Run alternative funding alternative for FY 2012/2013: The service would be funded by the Regional Transit Authority (RTA).  Surprised? Not.  Mayor Hiremath is Vice Chairman of the RTA.
  • At the December 14, 2011 public update on Coyote Run a question was asked: What has the town done to notice the 10,600 seniors impacted by this change? Answer: "Councilman Waters and I got tired of calling people." (Source: Appointed Council Member Solomon). Nice Answer!
  • The Intergovernmental Agreement (Amendment 1) for Coyote Run was approved by RTA on January 26, 2012 and Oro Valley on February 1, 2012 for FY2012/2013 (funding for one year only). After that, we've predicted that Coyote Run will disappear!
3. Preservation and Development
  • Wrong.
  • Canada Vista Homes did donate sensitive lands (Honey Bee Canyon).  But, the fact is that this property a Hohokam ballcourt village.  It was discovered in 1978.  He had no choice but to donate this land since it was not "buildable".   He donated the land in exchange for highly profitable development surrounding it.
Now, here's our list of Steve's accomplishments. These are the ones that he didn't mention in his postcard:
  1. Voted to double your utility tax.   That's a "vote" the result of which we get to see every month on every utility bill. 
  2. Voted to kill Coyote Run 2011 funding.  Need we say more?
  3. Voted, as a member of Council on June 16, 2010, to kill an independent study of police funding.  Did you wonder why the Police Associations "endorse" this guy?  Well, now you know.
  4. This January, spearheaded an effort to reduce transparency by moving council and board meeting minutes from synopsis minutes to action minutes.  
  5. Defaulted on a major real estate loan; facing a $10 million judgment. That's a fact, Jack.
Steve, who are you kidding?

Exactly nobody.


artmarth said...

Would anyone buy a used car from Solomon; let alone vote for him?

What makes him even worse is the arrogance he displays while sitting up in his "appointed perch" at council meetings.

Good job setting the record straight, Zee Man.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Politicians should be mandated to tell THE WHOLE TRUTH.

Solomon's campaign flyer states that he and the current council balanced the budget "through a combination of cuts, improved efficiencies and innovations..."

THE WHOLE TRUTH: They also RAISED TAXES! They (Solomon included) doubled the utility tax from 2% to 4%.

The same flyer states that, "I initiated an agreement with the RTA that provides sustainable funding for our Coyote Run..."

THE WHOLE TRUTH: Solomon initially voted to eliminate Coyote Run. It wasn't until after citizen uproar that another vote was taken on this issue and THEN a committee was formed to look at alternatives.

OV Objective Thinker said...

The original post is laugable but does not come close to the 2 comments. The second paragraph of art's post certainly demonstrates his clear knowledge of the many issues facing our community.

Warner Brothers would be proud of the second post.

arizonamoose said...

Steve Solomon's Second Postcard

By now, we're sure that you have received a second giant 8.5" x 5.5" postcard from Appointed Council Member and 2012 Council Candidate Steve Solomon. Again, the address side shows endorsements by the Oro Valley Police Officers Association and the Fraternal Order of Police.

Let's focus on what Steve has to say on the content side:

1. Safest Town in Arizona
• “Oro Valley Police provide an amazing level of service”…
• Right (at a cost of 48% of the town budget). Most towns of commensurate size spend an average of 25% of their town budget.
• As a Council Member, Steve helps supervise the police department. The Chief of Police reports to the Mayor and Council,
• The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) states that according to the Bureau of Justice Studies (BJS) the ratio BJS suggests for a Town of Oro Valley size is 1.8 officers per 1000. The 2010 Census placed Oro Valley at 41,000 which results in a projected 74 sworn officers at that time. Chief Sharp had 100 officers, or 2.44 officers per thousand at that time. That number included 3 frozen positions, so the Chief was only authorized to fill 97. Chief Sharp has gone on public record many times stating he needs a ratio of 2.5 officers per 1000 (103 officers).
• Quoting Steve Solomon from his Web Site: “I will ALWAYS support our Police and ENSURE that they have the funding and resources necessary to continue to keep Oro Valley the safest place in Arizona.”
• Voted, as a member of Council on June 16, 2010, to kill an independent study of police funding.
• On May 13, 2011 Steve Solomon was recognized for contributing “funds” to defray the cost of the Police Department Awards Dinner at Sun City. The funds came from Steve’s Oro Valley Travel & Training budget given to each Councilman. Wonder what Training Steve got for that contribution?
• Did you wonder why the Police Associations endorse (“love”) this guy?

2. Maximum Services, Minimum Spending
• Wrong.
• Steve says: “Through improved efficiencies and innovations, we continued providing excellent Town services such as quality roads that easily accommodate our traffic”...
• There was a shortage in the FY2011/2012 Highway Fund of 1.2 million dollars.
• What kind of efficiencies and innovations accomplished reducing that deficit? It was solved by borrowing 400,000 from the General Fund, transferring 400,000 from the Bed Tax Fund, and lowering the pavement preservation amount by 400,000.

Some innovation!

John Musolf