Friday, November 4, 2011

It's Back: GOVAC Lives!

The following was sent to me by one of our bloggers.  I wanted to share it with you.
There was an innocent looking item #2 on the November 2, 2011 Town Council Regular Agenda:

"Discussion and possible action regarding arts and culture in relation to economic development"

Remember the old Greater Oro Valley Arts Council (GOVAC) headed by Chairman Satish Hiremath that sucked at the teat of Oro Valley dollars for many years. Kate Marquez was the paid director

They were one of many community organizations that were funded by the town until Bill Garner got the town to put stringent policy requirements in effect to justify any community funding.

Almost all organizations flow of dollars for community funding dried up including GOVAC.

Two organizations saved themselves by getting economic development dollars through the Town Economic Development Department instead of community funding (MTCVB and TREO). Good end run by Loomis! No justification.

GOVAC morphed into the Southern Arizona Arts & Cultural Alliance (SAACA) headed by Director Kate Marquez who showed up tonight with her hand out to get some money from the town through economic development. Her logic: By bringing people to Oro Valley for the Arts they will bring significant sales tax dollars into the community. The Council approved $3200 to bring back the Riverfront music series ( 4 sessions). The Council also approved doing a feasibility study to determine other events by SAACA (e.g. Fourth of July Fireworks).

Lou Waters and Mary Snider as well as Satish were panting with excitement!

GOVAC lives! Back on the gravy train!


Conny said...

More spending in tough economic times. Should we be surprised?

The 2012 Oro Valley elections are growing near. It's the opportunity to elect those candidates that stand for FISCAL RESTRAINT.

Christopher Fox said...

Point #1 for a campaign platform: Fiscal Responsibility and Accountability!

Anonymous said...

As I recall, the July 4th celebration at the park was free, except for the concession stand. How much did that contribute to sales tax revenue?

Fear the Turtle said...

Please note the article in todays AZ Daily Star about compensation for the TREO staff.

Any group like TREO or GOVAC should not receive any funds from the taxpayers!