Saturday, October 8, 2011

Water Commssion Report: No Increase In Water Rates. But, Will It Hold?

The Oro Valley Water Commission is meeting October 10 to, among other things, discuss water rates. Click here for their agenda. Item 3 on this agenda is a discussion regarding water rates, as detailed in their draft : "Water Analysis Report".

The good news is that this report recommends no change in water rates for 2011-12:
Due to sound fiscal and water,resource management, it is projected that the Utility will meet revenue requirements with no proposed water rate increases for the base and commodity rates in FY 2011-12. (Page 6)

Assuming that the Commission approves this report, the next step will be approval by the Oro Valley Town Council.

The question we have is whether this Council will pass up this opportunity to raise water rates, even though no such increase is warranted for water service. After all, this is not the first time the Commission has recommended no increase. Yet, our costs of water have continually increased.

A few years ago there was a confluence of interests on the Council. One council member wanted to increase your cost of water so that the town could fund storm-water cleanup. Several other members wanted to increase the your cost of water to fund more Police Officers. Two members wanted to increase your cost of water as a way of, in their mind, promoting "conservation".

Though the individual council members did not all agree on the reason they wanted to increase your cost of water, they did all agree on one thing: To raise the cost of water to you. That's why 25% of your water bill has nothing to do with water!

You know as well as I know. Once any government finds a way to tax you they will do so again and again and again. The tax never goes away even though the original reason for it might.

The problem with the cost of water in Oro Valley is not the lack of water. It is not the inability to get the water. It is not the inability of our water utility to put the water to you home. In fact, our Water Utility seems to run efficiently, delivering high quality, potable water to you tap ever day!

The problem with your cost of water in Oro Valley is Oro Valley Politics. Give some politicians a way to tax you and they will tax you!

This Council has been no different than ones past. This Council, by a 5-2 vote, increased your utility tax because they wanted your money.

Will this Council pass up this latest opportunity to get more of your money via an unneeded water rate increase?

1 comment:

Conny said...

My observation of this 5-2 Council is that any opportunity to raise 'fees' is not overlooked. Keeping the taxpayer dollars flowing in while draining the residents appears to be high on the agenda.