Thursday, October 6, 2011

Not Too Late To Vote In Our Poll... and A-Frames

It's not too late to vote in our poll: "How much "crap" can Fry's display outside their Oracle Road store?" Take the poll (top left panel of this page) to let us know what you think.

When visiting Fry's take note of the nifty setup of their Grill Center, which includes four grills, some grilling utensils and a trash receptacle (see picture on left). Now that, my friends, is creative merchandising.

Today, we noted that Fry's had consolidated the general merchandise "stuff" from four tables to one and moved it way off to the right corner of the entryway way where no one will ever see it. This display technique should increase store pilferage. Way to go Fry's.

I'm not so sure that our Town Council anticipated this type of "creative merchandising" when they loosened the merchant outdoor display requirement.
At Wednesday night's Oro Valley Town Council Meeting, even the most pro business council members realized how utterly ridiculous it was to allow "A-Frame" advertising on public ways; thus, they did not approve such.

Even more ridiculous, however, were the three pages of rules and monitoring regulations that were recommended by town employees to manage these "displays".

The Council spent 45 minutes discussing this.

What an utter waste of both Council and town employee time.

Who put this on the Town's radar screen anyway?


Anonymous said...

LOVE also needs a poll about the ourdoor merchandise display at Fry's on Lambert and LaCanada.

Richard Furash, MBA said...


If you have pictures of of outdoor displays, please email them to me at:

I'm sure our readers would love to see what our merchants are doing with the opportunity that the Oro Valley Town Council has offered them.

Conny said...

Our local businesses could haul everything in the store to the sidewalks, turn on bright flashing lights and place A-frames on every corner.

The fact is, lighting up Oro Valley like the Vegas strip will not improve their business: It's the economy!

It's time the Council faces some if the real issues facing Oro Valley! Reduce spending and reduce taxes.

By reducing taxes, disposable income will increase for individuals and businesses. Jobs will be created.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

I haven't seen Wed. night's meeting yet. Is it true that the council has now withdrawn the temporary use of the A-frame signs? When does that become effective?

I thought the last thing I read about this was that they were going to allow it through early 2013. Maybe I'm thinking of something else. Is it just the A-frame signs or does it include banners, too?


Richard Furash, MBA said...


"Is it true that the council has now withdrawn the temporary use of the A-frame signs?"


This posting relates to the use of A-Frames on public right of ways. NOT on the use of A-Frames on private property. The "temporary" us of A-Frame signs on private property is still in effect.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Comment on the poll.....what is the point of having a poll if you are not going to get any reasonable data from it.

On outdoor displays..... Is it a danger to the public. No
Does it harm the atmosphere. No.
Will it increase sales? Yes.

Does the increased sales benefit Oro Valley. Yes.

So, tell me folks where is the harm? Stop whining about something that is really insignificant in your day-to-day life. Write to the Fry's folks and gritch and shop somewhere else. If there are enough of you that do that to impact the sales it will go away.

Richard Furash, MBA said...


Please lighten up.

I know you have a sense of humor.

The poll is just a bit of fun, that's all. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Look at the free advertising that Fry's is getting.

Maybe one of our readers will buy one of those grills.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zeeman.......One of the ways to get more input from my side of the aisle (if you want more input from my side of the aisle)would be to put up some polls that, while not scientific, might solicit more input and thus bring new folks to the Blog.
I would be very happy to direct others to visit now that we have some reasoned thinking at the helm.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

I am posting this for one of our bloggers who is having difficulty posting comments.

"Apart from the visuals, the store entrance areas, interior & exterior, are often cluttered with displays, people, store staff and equipment.

In the Fry's I normally use, there is but ONE entrance/exit to the
store. This is a major safey situation, and one that I have pointed out to the store manager on several occasions when bottlenecks at the doorwere big safety hazards.

To answer "Thinker" and his throw away comment that merchandising in this way was not a threat to public saftey, I strongly disagree. There was one occasion when I felt compelled to call the Fire Marshall and complain about the blockages at the entrances; I did not because I didn't feel strong enough to deal with the perceptionof "crank" that I suspected would be the outcome. But, believe you me, I felt very vulnerable in that store the entire time I was in the building.

This Fry's used to have two main egresses, but in a remodel,only one remained. This is a fire safetyissue - Big Time!

I don't understand how Fry's gets away with this especially since Golder Rance personnel are often shopping in this store which is right across the street from their fire station.

Doesn't the TOV have a fire code?"

Richard Furash, MBA said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Richard Furash, MBA said...


Ok. I know you are now smiling!

Be happy to do more polls.

Kindly send me an email with your thoughts.

You gotta admit, though, the poll is kinda funny!!!


OV Objective Thinker said...

Zeeman....Hopefully the individual for which you posted is watching this and will read.

No...the Town does not have it's own fire code. I don't think any Town does unless there are specific items within their jurisdiction that are not covered by the Universal Fire Code..

Rest assured there are several exits from the Fry's store on 1st and Oracle.While some of them may not be obvious they are there.

Zeeman....I always have a smile. I am an Optimist.


Nombe Watanabe said...

Every A Frame had your number on the wall
you must have had it all

S. Dan

Victorian Cowgirl said...

I don't know what the Universal Fire Code is...where I used to live we had a State Fire Code and it was very strict. If there is a State Fire Code for all of AZ, it is laughable. I have been in many buildings in this state that have been fire traps and I couldn't wait to get out of there.

For the design of these buildings to be allowed and to be legal just proves once more what I've said many times...this state is run by a bunch of hillbillies!

Nombe Watanabe said...

Hey VC Arizona is great, where else can you take your gun into a Bar?