Friday, July 29, 2011

Hornat & Snider "Eat, Drink & Be Merry" At Oro Valley Taxpayer's Expense

No one can recall ANY members of the Oro Valley Council ever taking advantage of the town issued credit card as Joe Hornat & Mary Snider have since their election.

As a result of a Freedom of Information request by Oro Valley citizen, and ex-Council Member Conny Culver,the expense reports of all seven members of this council were requested, and received.

You won't believe what is going on with the way WE are being charged by the "super majority" of this council. Only Bill Garner & Barry Gillaspie have not taken advantage of the Oro Valley Taxpayers.


With only one year in office, Mary and Joe have frivolously spent your money on personal items while you pay higher taxes.

You want some examples?

You paid Joe Hornat $.51 per mile to attend Council Meetings, ribbon cuttings, and other events around Oro Valley. You paid for mileage for Hornat to attend partisan political events. You paid Hornat’s meals with unidentified “Constituent Meetings.” You paid for his meals with Council Member Lou Waters at Down Home Delights ($39.55), with SAHBA at the fancy Hilton El Conquistador ($74.07), with a Town Staffer at Risky Business ($42.93 and $66.76) and with Police Chief Chief Sharp at The North Restaurant at La Encantada ($46.43).

Looks to us like Joe uses his Oro Valley expense account as a way to get added tax free income for his personal use!

Mary Snider goes one step further in charging her personal expenses to the taxpayer. You paid more then $500 for Snider in dues and luncheons with the Optimist Club. You paid $100.73 for her meal at the Cheesecake Factory and $68.38 for her meal at the Harvest. Her “guests” were Police Chief Sharp, Joe Hornat, and Steve Solomon. Nothing like keeping the spending “in the family.”

Maybe Mary’s spending explains her vote to double the Utility Tax, costing Amphi Schools in Oro Valley almost $80,000 per year. Her club dues and meals are beginning to add up. Snider is all about the kids, right? Maybe she belongs on the school board. She certainly does not belong on the Oro Valley Town Council.

Now, you might think this is all “small potatoes; but it’s not. It demonstrates the complete disdain that Mary and Joe have for your money. While they draw money for their personal use, you get to pay higher taxes.

Have you looked at your utility bills lately? They doubled the tax on our gas, water & electric bills.

While they draw money for their personal use, they get to vote against Coyote Run, hurting our most vulnerable residents, the elderly and disabled.

While they draw money for their personal use, they get to “look the other way” when it comes to the outrageous use of over 52 take home commuter cars, mainly by the police. Does anyone really believe the Chief's explanation that they can respond quickly by having the cars? How does one respond quickly, when they're coming to Oro Valley from as far away as Sahuarita?

The BIG issue is not about the amount of money Hornat & Snider spend on themselves. It is simply the fact that they are doing it. They have a bad attitude when it comes to you and your wallet. What is good for them is bad for you! That's not the way it's supposed to be.

If you are outraged by the actions of these two, won't you please sign the recall petitions. All you need do is email our good friend John Musolf, who is heading up the effort. John will make arrangements to get you the petitions.


Anonymous said...

Is there anyway to get these facts out to the public, including Oro Valley citizens, newspapers, television stations?

artmarth said...

Cares for OV--- Yes. An email will go out shortly to our rather large list of recipients.

If you or others are not on our email list, send me an email at ---
We will add your name.

By the way, this documented data was sent to The Explorer well over a month ago. Wendy Miller, editor gave excuse after excuse for not publishing it.

She obviously didn't want to offend "the secret cows."

Nombe Watanabe said...

I wonder if the "eat, drink and be merry" crowd were driven to these fine establishments in "take home" vehicles.....?

Martha said...

Is the same info available for the other council members and Mayor? Would be nice to see that also.

artmarth said...

Martha--- As we noted, only Bill Garner & Barry Gillaspie did not take advantage of the people by spending OUR money without any concern whatsoever.

Hiremath, Waters & Solomon were really no better than Hornat & Snider, and the documentation of their spending will soon be noted on web site.

You can be sure that these other three also, took advantage of eating, drinking and being merry at taxpayer's expense.

Don't loose sight of the fact that Hornat & Snider are the subject of the recall.