Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is The Coyote Run Bus Service Doomed?

Sure, Oro Valley has a budget crunch. And, by all means, the Coyote Run Bus Service is being subsidized by the taxpayers, but is it conscionable to drop a service that is mainly used by the elderly and the disabled among us, while at the same time, considering giving pay increases to the employees?

Is this just another example of "the tail wagging the dog?"

The people of Oro Valley don't seem to be a priority to some on our Town Council.

Too bad!

Here's The Explorer article .


Richard Furash, MBA said...

About a year ago, I posted a comment that it would be less expensive for the town to give Coyote Run Riders vouchers for cab transportation rather than run Cayote Run. The reason is that ridership is low and the cost is high.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Or how about a group of volunteers that would be willing to drive some of these folks where they need to go. God knows we have some people who have free time on their hands. :-)

Richard Furash, MBA said...


Now that is something to think about.


Ann said...

Coyote Run has been using volunteers for almost 2 years:

There are many other transportation and volunteer driver options here: