Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kathy Pastryk Says "Hiremath Is A Disciple Of Special Interests"

Please read Kathy's letter to The Explorer.We certainly agree with her analysis.

Hiremath is a disciple of special interests

Since 2008, the Town of Oro Valley has not contributed to the Northern Pima County Chamber of Commerce. Partially due to budget constraints, town council voted not to fund the former Greater Oro Valley Arts Council), TREO, the Tucson visitors bureau and others having little to do with business in Oro Valley.

Lo and behold, these organizations now endorse Satish Hiremath for mayor of Oro Valley. Hiremath's statement on the matter is that the organizations will provide levels of service that "we as elected officers" are responsible for in providing for "our" citizens.

Wait a minute. Who are "we elected officers?" Does Satish Hiremath think that he is already elected? Perhaps so. Said organizations have contributed heavily to his campaign, so the assumption may be that this upcoming election is a "done deal."

Not so fast, Dr. Hiremath.

Mike Zinkin is in this race to win. Many know that he has regularly participated in a wide range of town activities over the years.

While Hiremath was cleaning teeth, Zinkin's genuine, sustained interest in town government led him study and graduate twice from Oro Valley's highly regarded Citizens' Planning Institute.

What did Hiremath, as head of GOVAC, do for local artists? Nada mucho. He used taxpayers' money to bring in jazz musicians from all over the country, then charged $75 per person for tickets. Was this truly serving the needs of OV citizens?

Meanwhile, Zinkin safeguarded our town code and quality of life. Serving on and chairing the Development Review Board, he ensured that developers' and architects' projects were both practical and harmonious with Oro Valley's exceptional surroundings. Zinkin knows and respects Oro Valley's general plan and our strategic plan. We can count on him to adhere to both.

While Hiremath attended a single town council meeting to beg for GOVAC money (storming out when council refused), Zinkin put in long hours with our young people, officiating at youth sports.

Zinkin has wisdom derived from genuine experience with our townspeople and our businesses. Hiremath is a dilettante and a disciple of special interests.

Kathleen Pastryk, Oro Valley


John Martin said...

While, the writer is entitled to her opinion regarding Hiremath's perceived allegiance to certain special interests, it should be noted that her letter contained one glaring factual error.

My own research into all candidates' backgrounds (using records and documents available to me from government sources), shows that one of Ms. Pastryk's charges -- "What did Hiremath, as head of GOVAC, do for local artists? Nada mucho. He used taxpayers' money to bring in jazz musicians from all over the country, then charged $75 per person for tickets. Was this truly serving the needs of OV citizens?" -- is incorrect.

Audited reports of taxpayer funds given to GOVAC are open and available to the public. None shows taxpayer money funding the organization's jazz concert at the Hilton. That particular performance is paid for every year with private contributions, according to my research.

While Hiremath's tenure at GOVAC is certainly fair game for crutiny, as he is seeking public office, criticizing him for stuff that didn't happen isn't really the best way to accomplish that, in my opinion.

artmarth said...

John--- I'm not here to respond on behalf of Kathy, but I will say this:

For years, under the leadership of Dr. Hiremath, the Oro Valley Town Council voted to give GOVAC tens of thousands of dollars.

Whose money do you think this was?

Answer: The Oro Valley Taxpayers.

Does it really matter which pocket the money went in, or which pocket it came out? It was still OUR money that the taxpayers never approved----unless, of course, you say,our elected officials can do as they please.

John Martin said...

If the criticism is based on the fact that the town even gave money to SAACA at all, then that's not what was written the letter.

And please note, I did say Hiremath's tenure at GOVAC was certainly worthy of scrutiny. However, the letter overlooked the facts to make its point.

Furthermore, I don't believe I said that elected officials "can do as they please." Ignoring voters always could cost someone an election.

If one thinks the town shouldn't fund outside agencies, then shouldn't argue that point with misconstrued information or false statements. In my opinion, it weakens the power of the argument.

Facts matter, especially when trying to convince someone yours is the best argument.

That is merely what I was trying to suggest in my earlier post. But, as you often suggest, and I agree with you, others are free to come to their own conclusions. Thanks for posting my comments, Art.

artmarth said...

John-- Whether we agree or not, your comments are posted because they are respectful.

You wrote:
I don't believe I said that elected officials "can do as they please." Ignoring voters always could cost someone an election.

I suggested it, but did NOT attribute it to you. Perhaps my sentence structure needs some work.

In any case, your comments always seem worthy of posting.

Too bad you never contacted Mike. Had you, I think you'd vote for him.

Oh yeah! Next Friday night at the Hilton will be the long overdue debate, as Hiremath finally agreed.

It might be a good chance for you and other undecided voters to determine who will best serve us.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

I wasn't at the meeting where Hiremath "stormed out" upon being told that he would not be receiving more funds for GOVAC, but if this is true, I have to ask what Hiremath's supporters think of this behavior.