Wednesday, September 30, 2009

David Andrews Termination As Oro Valley Town Manager Has Brought Us ALL Together

The following two letters to The Explorer are written by two ex-council members with whom I have had many disagreements. I applaud Helen Dankwerth & Conny Culver for standing up for David Andrews and righteousness. The actions against David has brought so many of us with diverse opinions to come together and, hopefully do what is right.

What loomis, carter, kunisch & abbott did to David Andrews was the most egregious of any actions every taken by any council in my 16 years as an Oro Valley resident---and probably, since Oro Valley became a town in 1974. These four MUST go!


OV council's conduct was unprofessional

While I have not uniformly agreed with David Andrews' handling of the town budget and several other issues related to his performance as town manager, I am dismayed by the unprofessional conduct displayed by the prevailing council members during the Sept. 23rd study / special session.

If the questions raised and issues addressed during his recent performance review were so egregious as to require his resignation, there is no doubt in my mind that the proceedings should have occurred in executive session. By insisting on what amounted to a public lynching, said council members were perceived as unbusinesslike, unprofessional, vindictive, and perhaps worst of all, uncaring that they were — at a minimum — besmirching the town's image.

I am most disappointed in Mayor Loomis for allowing this debacle to occur. In my (perhaps not so humble) opinion, every action taken by an elected official must be made in the current — and future — best interests of the town. The actions of Sept. 23rd were woefully short of that goal.

Helen Dankwerth, Oro Valley

Now, it's time to evaluate 3 council, mayor

I watched as one of Oro Valley's greatest failures was gaining momentum over the past months. Never, did it occur to me our town council could, or would, in a final 4-3 vote, embarrass our town as they did Wednesday evening removing David Andrews as town manager.

I don't believe these unconscionable acts are attributable to any one individual or any one group. Some blame the police unions. Others place the blame on the mayor and three council members retaliating over insignificant and petty issues. I can find no reasonable explanation for their behaviors.

David Andrews has always demonstrated professionalism. He's made the tough financial and personnel decisions.

David Andrews had been a loyal town employee since 1991. For many of those years, Mr. Andrews was our financial director. During his tenure, Oro Valley had the distinction of numerous statewide awards for sound financial policies.

Currently we're experiencing the worst financial crisis we have ever had to face. Mr. Andrews' expertise and guidance is desperately needed. I believe our mayor and three council members (Carter, Kunisch and Abbott) have greatly harmed Oro Valley.

I addressed the mayor and council Wednesday evening. I reminded them that the responsibility for what they were doing, at that moment, rested solely on their shoulders. The buck stopped there.

I expect my local elected officials to work together and do what is best for the residents of Oro Valley.

The mayor and three council members refused to go behind closed doors and discuss their concerns. As a matter of common courtesy and professional decorum, personnel matters are historically conducted in executive session. To publicly disparage a long-term exemplary employee was not only unforgivable but also vindictive and petty.

Residents and voters of Oro Valley, is this how we, as a community, reward performance and dedication?

I asked the council to put principles above personalities, and do the right thing for our town. After all, isn't that why we elected them?

I think it is time to carefully review the performance of the mayor and three council members to evaluate how they're doing their jobs.

Conny Culver, Oro Valley


Victorian Cowgirl said...

Conny's closing line sums it up well...

"I think it is time to carefully review the performance of the mayor and three council members to evaluate how they're doing THEIR jobs."

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Regarding the performance of Loomis, Abbott, Carter and Kunisch, I am reminded of one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies...

"If this is the best they’ve got around here, in 6 months we’ll be running this place."
-- Taylor (Charlton Heston)
From "Planet of the Apes"

Kathy Pastryk said...

The council didn't go into executive session... Why should they be inconvenienced? Loomis had a done deal. (How he got his 4 votes is a whole other can of worms!) The mayor knew exactly what to do with those 4 votes: remove David Andrews without cause. Was that UNLAWFUL? NO. Was it vindictive, insulting, nasty, indecent, scornful, unscrupulous, unwarranted and petty? YES.
Add upsetting to many residents who feel bewildered and betrayed. We mourn the loss of David Andrews and we are mad.

In a similar scenerio in Tucson, City Manager Hein was dismissed without a stated cause. Anyone think that maybe the law needs to change?

Deacon said...

I like both your postings.

The next council meeting bring banannas.

Stan and/or Renee said...

Any chance of recalling the mayor
and 3 council members?

Art, I'll sign your petition - if
and when.......

Stan (only)