Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mike Zinkin-- The Next Mayor Of Oro Valley

There are many repercussions as a result of the despicable actions orchestrated by loomis that disgraced our community.

The major concern, of course is David Andrews who was unceremoniously forced out as our town manager by the actions of loomis, carter, kunisch & abbott. (small people deserve small letters)

But---there a ray of hope as a result of this abominable action.

MIKE ZINKIN, who had committed to run for town council was so offended by what loomis and his 3 stooges did, that MIKE IS NOW RUNNING FOR MAYOR OF ORO VALLEY.

Mike already had our full support. I can only hope that he will now have the full support of every fair minded Oro Valley citizen that is so disgusted with what these four did to David and how they so callously undermined our community.

PLEASE! Do not let loomis get away with his dastardly deed.



travelling dancer said...

I am delighted to see this well-experienced gentleman running for Mayor against Mayor Loomis. If anyone happens to see the video on kold.com with Bud Foster, with Mayor Loomis now, due to his ridiculous removal of David Andrews, you will note he is stating that we the Citizens of Oro Valley need a City Tax as well as a Utility Tax,to keep this a "City of excellence". Welllll, to keep this a "City of Excellence" it will require the removal of Mayor Loomis and replace him with Mike Zinkin,

The Citizens of Oro Valley need to check the record and see that having Mayor Loomis for the last ten (10) years, has not helped to keep this a "Town of excellence" One example is the Oro Valley Market Place, how excellent is that, not what the citizens were promised. He spend $11,000 of our tax payer dollars to go to Switzerland to give a 2 minute speech, which he could have conferenced on the phone. There are so many things he had done to spend the Citizens tax dollars. He appears only to have a personal agenda not the wishes of the Citizens of Oro Valley. Just look around and see how this beautiful town has changed its look. All you need to do is just drive down Oracle road, with all those ugly beige "things" on the side of the road. It is time for a change, I believe that forcing a removal of probably one of the most fiscally responsible and best City Managers in the State of Arizona, was for many the "straw that broke the camel's back"

Victorian Cowgirl said...

I saw the video on KOLD last night. I heard Loomis say that we need to discuss a property tax ASAP.

OK. Here I go again, bringing up OVM. Vestar said that if OVM became a reality, the sales tax dollars that it would generate for the town meant that Oro Valley could put off talk of a property tax for many years.

The marketplace has been opened (barely) for 1 year and we're already talking about a property tax. I KNEW this would happen. I KNEW we would get this ugly blight of a junk mall and shortly afterward we would also get hit with a property tax.

I would have happily paid a property tax to keep our town beautiful. But I will not pay one to subsidize a town with junk malls and prison walls (those beige things that travelling dancer refers to.)

I think it was "Dan" who referred to Loomis, Abbott, Carter and Kunisch as LACK.

LACK of integrity.
LACK of fiscal responsibility.
LACK of common sense.

Sounds like a good campaign slogan for anyone who wants to unseat these four.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Hizzoner the Mayah For Life Paul "Looney Tunes" Loomis is at it again.

Here's the link so you can watch him in full glory:


OV Objective Thinker said...


Allow me to quote you.

" I KNEW this would happen. I KNEW we would get this ugly blight of a junk mall and shortly afterward we would also get hit with a property tax."

Please explain how you knew the economy would take the turn it has taken, which has accelerated discussions of alternative taxes EVERYWHERE?

There is no more meat on the OVM bone.

TD...In my opinion,Zinkin couldn't run a lawn mower.

The Mayor had NOTHING to do with the walls on Oracle.

artmarth said...

The BEST endorsement MIKE ZINKIN would want. cox turns his wrath on him. What took him him so long, is my only question.

Mike has more knowledge, more integrity and a hell of lot more common sense than cox could ever hope for.

Victorian Cowgirl said...


I didn't know that the economy would turn sour, but I DID know that the junk mall that Vestar was building would not bring in the tax revenue that they claimed it would and we would then get stuck with a junk mall AND a property tax. And now the same stupid people who voted for the Vestar referendum will be the same stupid people who will vote for the property tax. Maybe we could just tax the stupid people.

OV Objective Thinker said...


A few lessons in english and grammar would do you some good. The level of your intelligence is best demonstrated by your comment.

Secondly, I am not running. therefore my qualifications are not of interest. And based on your past endorsements (Abbott and Carter) I would say that either your judgement is bad or you only endorse/support folks as long as they do exactly as you wish, or both.


OV Objective Thinker said...


Art couldn't afford a tax like that if it was based on the level of stupidity.

travelling dancer said...

Well, I am delighted to see that OV Thinker is not running for a position on the Town Council.

With all that has been said about this Andrews matter, the bottom line is, it should have gone into Executive Session. The idea that the Mayor did not want that to happen, along with his other non-thinking comrades, tells me, and I am sure many others, that these individuals have no business being on a Town's City Council. The mature thing would have been, to go into an Executive Session. Perhaps their egos prevented them from doing so. They certainly were not taking into consideration the citizens of this Town. Not one individual stood up and spoke against David Andrews, even a previous Council Member spoke on behalf of David Andrews. That tells me a great deal about these PETTY Council Members. Also due to the fact that Al Kunisch is a volunteer policeman, he should have had enough common sense to recuse himself whenever there was a vote on police matters. I give Helen Dankwith credit, she was smart enought to know that when, anything to do with GOVAC was being voted on, she would recuse herself. She is obviously a much smarter individual than Al Kunisch.
Then again, maybe he doesn't have a clue.

The citizens of this town are learning a great deal about the type of individuals these three are with their immature behavior and their lack of concern for this town.

Kathy Pastryk said...

Make no mistake, OT, our Mayor knew all about the big brown walls obscuring the view in our beautiful scenic corridor, but he said not a word to council. Yes, it IS a State Route, but Mayor Loomis attended meetings with ADOT for YEARS of planning that took place. He knew that it would affect the looks of our scenic corridor. An ADOT official said that had Loomis ever said that Oro Valley townspeople might not like the walls, discussion would have taken place and the outcome would have been different. Instead, Mayor Loomis kept his mouth shut. Why? (1) He is inconsiderate of the people's wishes, and (2) His taste is in his mouth.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms. Pastryk.

With all due respect, I am reluctant to give this post of yours any more credence than some of the past comments you have made. We all know many of those were totally incorrect.

The residents of Rams Field Pass subdivision requested the wall be placed on Oracle Road. Once that vote was taken the government of Oro Valley was out of the equation. In addition the federal government then dictated the height. Our good friend Jim Kriegh then suggested the design of the wall. Why don't you take him on????

I don't like the wall any more than you do. But the Mayor is not responsible. Why aren't you critical of Paula. (I'm sorry. She probably didn't read that notice.) She didn't say anything. The 'great engineer', KC didn't say anything. Barry,the 'wonder-boy planner' didn't say anything.


Some of your comments are quite legitimate. The Davis Andrews matter was poorly handled. I don't know the "issues" so I cannot pass judgement on the results.

Your comment about Kunisch recusing himself is without foundation or legal backing. There is no conflict of interest therefore no reason to recuse.

PS...No one is more happy than I am, that I am not running......yet.
There is still plenty of time. :-)

Victorian Cowgirl said...


Go back to "How and Why...Part 2" and answer my last question (about integrity).

OV Objective Thinker said...


Meant to answer and it slipped my mind. I'll complete today.