Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Phil Richardson Puts Oro Valley Council On Notice--Re: Fire Service

At the final "call to the audience" at the Feb. 4 Council meeting, our good friend Phil Richardson, fed up will the cost for Golder Ranch Fire District service, let the mayor & council know he is generating a petition in an attempt to void the monopoly now held by GRFD.

Phil gave a brief dissertation as to how the actions of a previous council forced Rural Metro out of servicing thousands of OV subscribers, and how GRFD has continually raised their rates without any recourse to the property owners.

We endorse Phil's position and hope he is successful in achieving his goal of getting his neighbors comparable service at almost half the price they are now being forced to pay.

We hope the Town Council will seriously look at the fire service issue, and consider ALL possible alternatives in keeping us safe, at a reasonable cost.

For those that may not know it, our neighbors outside of Oro Valley to our south that are in the recently formed Mountain Vista Fire District, are paying for their fire service at a much lower rate than those of us in the GRFD area, including those that have not yet been annexed.

One might ask "why?"


Phil Richardson said...

Due to the brief time afforded to those addressing the Council during the Call to the Audience I was unable to make an important point: Mountain Vista Fire District meets or exceeds all of the criteria required by Oro Valley in regard to response time, number of personnel accompaning a fire engine, etc.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Phil....How many engines does Mountain Vists have?