Thursday, February 5, 2009

Phil Richardson Attempts To Educate Us On The Cost Of Fire Service In Oro Valley

The following is a message our friend Phil Richardson has sent out to over 1200 of his neighbors in the southern portion of Oro Valley. These are the folks that have not yet been annexed into the Golder Ranch Fire District, and are contiguous with the newly formed Mountain Vista Fire District.

Even if you are not directly impacted with the issue of fire service, I think you'll find the information gleaned by Phil, to be not only very interesting, but very informative.

Please take a few minutes to read Phil's message.

Dear Neighbors:

We need to petition the Oro Valley Town Council to permit the newly merged Mountain Vista Fire District to at least approach us regarding annexation.

The time is ripe to do something about the cost of Fire Protection before we are annexed into the Golder Ranch Fire District - headquartered in Catalina.

A prior Oro Valley Town Council gave a monopoly to Golder Ranch Fire District to annex neighborhoods into their Catalina-based Fire District. Then, the prior Council began a campaign to force Rural Metro Corp out of Oro Valley and replace their fire stations with ones directed by Golder Ranch Fire District. So far, Golder Ranch FD has already taken over the north side Palisades/1st Ave Station and the area near Lambert and La Canada where four years ago Rural Metro was refused a building permit for a fire Station.

Here’s the reason your bill from Rural Metro Corporation sky-rocketed two years ago: In order to salvage ambulance service in Oro Valley for their subsidiary, (Southwest Ambulance service), Rural Metro Corp agreed to raise their rates to match the higher Golder Ranch Fire District’s secondary Property Tax Rate. Furthermore, Rural Metro agreed that no later than April 2010 they will cease providing fire protection in Oro Valley. This could happen sooner, for Golder Ranch FD seeks to accelerate the process, and begin the takeover –usually one neighborhood at time, sooner. They are nibbling their way south now – soliciting signatures in the La Reserve Area.

Golder Ranch Fire District will not take over the Rural Metro Fire Station on Magee Road near North Oracle – due they say to the fact it is a leased property. Instead, they intend to serve us from a station they are reported to want to build on Linda Vista – after they’ve annexed us.

When Fire Districts Compete, Property Owners Win. Until now, we had no other choice. Now, there’s a newly consolidated Fire District that is contiguous to Oro Valley. Mountain Vista Fire District covers most of the area that lies south and west of Lambert Lane all the way west to Thornydale and then south to Ina Road. It is contiguous to the Suffolk Hills neighborhood and has an agreement that Rural Metro will continue to provide fire fighters and equipment from their Station on Magee Road near Oracle Road until Mountain Vista Fire District can establish their own stations. They’ve the same Fire Suppression Rating as Golder Ranch Fire District has from the company that rates Fire Departments for Insurance Companies.

Here’s the problem: By State Law, in order to solicit our signatures, Mountain Vista first must get permission from Oro Valley in order to do so.

Compare Cost. Despite a recent plunge in their tax rate, done we believe for marketing purposes, Golder Ranch is estimating their secondary property tax rate to be $1.59, with another $0.17 tacked-on for bonding (loan) repayment or $1.76 per $100 of assessed valuation. Compare this to the Mountain Vista’s rate: $1.25 per $100 of assessed valuation.

In the case of my home with a secondary assessed valuation of $20,364 I would pay Golder Ranch Fire District $358.41 or Mountain Vista $254.55. Since Rural Metro matches the Golder Ranch FD tax rate, my next bill from them will be over $400.00!


Robla said...

The Golder Ranch Fire District is not trying to "Force" Rural Metro out. They have been looking to phase out of the fire suppression business for years, due to it's lack of profitability versus medical transport. This is especially true in the urban and suburban environments we have here. Anyone with RM who is honest will tell you that. Research what they did in Scottsdale with their pullout there. Who will Mountain View contract with when RM gets out of the fire business?

Nombe Watanabe said...

GRFD taxes are too high. Lower the rate and there will be less bitching and moaning.

artmarth said...

Perhaps GRFD Chief John Fink would be willing to sit down with some on our Town Council, and discuss this issue.

When a Fire District is an adjacent community can do a comparable job at a much lower rate, something is "not kosher."

If OV has some restrictions that relate to a higher GRFD rate, perhaps that could be discussed.

Bottom line---- We agree with "Nombre W"---"Lower the rate and there will be less bitching and moaning.

Richard Furash, MBA said...

Time to run John Fink and GRFD out of town on a rail.

We're mad and we're not gonna take it no more!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zeeman...Nice attitude. You're "mad" alright.

Some of Mr. Richardson's comments are, shall we say, patently false. In less politically correct circles some might refer to the as pure fabrications of the truth.

Rural Metro has made a business decision. Why can't you come to grips with that???

Art..I feel confident that Chief Fink has never denies any request from an Oro Valley Town Council member to discuss fire issues. I also believe he attends many of the Town Council meetings.

And if you look at statistics, you will clearly see that Rural and Golder do not do a "comparable" job. That's exactly why GR was chosen over Rural Metro many moons ago when the fire standards were established.

artmarth said...

Cox--- Our friend Phil Richardson has too much class to respond to your BS. However, I don't have a problem telling you, you should be a little more careful before you start calling someone with Phil's integrity "a liar," which you infer by stating "his comments are, shall we say, patently false. In less politically correct circles some might refer to the (sic) as pure fabrications of the truth."

Phil is looking to do the right thing for ALL his neighbors. Why the hell should you feel compelled to intercede in an issue that doesn't even involve you?

It's nasty comments like the one you made about Phil that will keep you from ever getting elected to anything in Oro Valley.

Nobody that knows you should be surprised by the lack of class you continue to display on this blog!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Point #1.

"A prior Oro Valley Town Council gave a monopoly to Golder Ranch Fire District to annex neighborhoods into their Catalina-based Fire District.", This is a false statement. Annexation by a fire district is governed by Arizona law and has nothing to do with Oro Valley.

"Then, the prior Council began a campaign to force Rural Metro Corp out of Oro Valley and replace their fire stations with ones directed by Golder Ranch Fire District." This is a false statement.

Rural Metro made a business decision to get out of the fire business in Oro Valley just as they did in Scottsdale, Arizona. They made a business decision not to meet the minimum fire standards demanded by the citizens of Oro Valley. It was their (Rural Metro's)decision not any Oro Valley government entity.
That's the facts that you and many others just don't want to face.

There is other misinformation in his comments but it is stated more as an opinion rather than a statement of fact. Unlike you, I have no problem with someone expressing their opinion

I have no problem with Phil Richardson doing anything he wants in his own neighborhood. I commend his community involvement whether I agree or disagree with his actions. But when YOU make the following statement,

"Even if you are not directly impacted with the issue of fire service, I think you'll find the information gleaned by Phil, to be not only very interesting, but very informative." YOU are inviting comment. I chose to comment.

Point #2.

It is very interesting to post something that is accurate but contradicts something you have posted. It make your blood boil as is evidenced by the tone of your responses. And you seldom disappoint in your response.

I'll let others privately point out to you the tremendous humor in your response. I don't want to embarrass you on your own blog.


OV Objective Thinker said...

Art...And just one more addition to point #1...

"They’ve the same Fire Suppression Rating as Golder Ranch Fire District has from the company that rates Fire Departments for Insurance Companies."

I have done some research and have discovered that Mountain Vista Fire District has yet to receive a rating and therefore one could draw the conclusion that Mr. Richardson's statement is, "patently false".


neckra 324 said...

Phil, you are a never ending flow of mis-information. It's hard for me to figure, are you showing your ignorance or your idiocy with the comments comming out of your pie hole? You need to educate yourself sir. How can you honestly believe that MVFD can offer the "needed services" of Oro Valley at an actual $1.29 (not $1.25) tax rate. Are you drinking buddies with Mike T.? Is someone filling your pockets with $$ to say these things? Do you own stock in the publicly traded corporation of Rural / Metro? Please let the residents of OV know. Ignorance can be remedeed with education. Idiocy? Well... So here is the truth: You are willing to disregard the safety of your fellow OV residents the next time they need to call 911 because you think GRFD is ripping you off. You must have answered yes to one , two or all three of the questions I previosly asked because per "artmarth" you are too classy and have too much integrity to be just a plain LIAR. Ditto for the Z man.