Thursday, February 5, 2009

Not Annexed Into GRFD? Want To Save Money?

Our two subsequent postings have to do with the cost of Golder Ranch Fire District service, especially for those of us in Oro Valley not yet annexed.

If you are in that category, and believe the bill you receive from Rural Metro (on behalf of GRFD)--- is too high, we might be able to suggest how it can be lowered.

If you have any interest, email us at

It might be like chicken soup for a cold----- it couldn't hurt.

If you haven't read the other two postings, it might be worth your time to do so.


Nombe Watanabe said...

What about the rest of us who ARE annexed, I could think of a more profane term, into the GRFD gold plated tax and bond rate.

Is there any way we can escape?


artmarth said...

Good question "Nombre W." Unfortunately, there's no such thing as "de-annexation," so those in Oro Valley that are in the GRFD, and paying "monopolistic" rates don't have too many viable options available.

Perhaps its time for THIS Town Council to revisit the possibility of forming an OV Fire Department.

For those that may not know it, our previous Town Manager suggested this as a viable alternative only a few years ago, only to be "shot down" by the existing council.

That was then. This is now. New council, new ideas. Maybe!!!

cyclone1 said...

Although I understand the frustration with paying a property tax, I think it needs to be said that for the Town to create it's own Fire Department would be a HUGE expense that would, most certainly, result in a Town imposed property tax to replace the GRFD one. Think about the initial capital it would cost to acquire stations, trucks, ambulances, and the yearly operating expenses with staff and builidng upkeep. I belive the numbers in 2002 were in the 6-7 million range for start up costs, and 4-5 million annual expenses. And that was 7 years ago when the Town was not as big as it is now. Something to chew on.

artmarth said...

Cyclone1 and other interested readers---- Perhaps there are some more knowledgeable than I on this subject, but I will say this:

To use a cliche`--"there is more than one way to skin a cat."

The point is this. There are options available to the town, should they decide to pursue this endeavor.

Additionally, we haven't suggested OV go into the "ambulance service."

I would think most people would just as soon pay OV a comparable amount for comparable fire service, rather than an "outside' fire district that many believe we are over paying.

And let's not forget, thousands of us are now paying GRFD for a bond we nether asked for or voted for.
Certainly, OV could do the same WITHOUT adding a Property Tax!

This too, might be something "to chew on."