Friday, February 13, 2009

Important Town Meeting, Especially For Neighbors Near Old Miller Ranch Property

Council Member Bill Garner & Planning & Zoning Commissioner Bill Adler have volunteered their time to meet with the neighbors of the old Miller Ranch property.

The parcel in question is on 40 acres at the Northwest corner of Tangerine & La Canada.

The meeting is scheduled for Monday Feb. 16 at 6:30 PM at the OV Town Hall, Kachina room.

The developers have plans to request rezoning of low density to one of high density multi-story, cluster apartment dwellings on 12 acres of the old Miller Ranch.

The concerned citizens, including Chris Campabello have set up this meeting in order to make their neighbors aware of this potential request for a General Plan Amendment on the parcel that is one of the prime entries into Oro Valley.

Anyone, especially those in close proximity to this area are asked to attend this meeting, and to please RSVP to Chris at


RbtMartin said...

I have contacted the President of the Verde Ranch HOA along with anyone else in the area that I have there email address. We must make sure that this meeting is well attended so that we do not have a rezoning railroaded through.

Yoshibello said...

Thanks Art for posting this meeting. I am looking forward to meeting everyone and hope we have a high turnout. The developers are hot on our trail as they have their own public meeting on Thursday, 2/19 at 6:00 PM, OV Town Hall, Hopi room. It will be good to attend their meeting with the information we will have gained at our meeting with Bill Garner and Bill Adler. I think we have a good chance in defeating this, if we all get involved and show our opposition in numbers.