Thursday, February 12, 2009

Phil Richardson Offers More Facts Concerning The Oro Valley Fire Service

Phil Richardson has more to say in response to Don Cox. Whether or not Cox accepts this information is of no consequence to us.



Despite Mr. Cox not having “a dog in this hunt,” it came to me that my ripostes to him could be instructive to both of you readers as well.

You can also learn how to jump from cliché to cliché unaided.

(Mr. Cox: Please e-mail your address to me @, so I can help determine if you do live in the area of interest between Calle Concordia and Suffolk Drive)

Mr. Cox said “Annexation by a fire district is governed by Arizona law (right) and has nothing to do with Oro Valley (wrong). Arizona Revised Statute 48-262(F) “Requires a fire district to obtain the endorsement by a city or town when the property to be annexed into the fire district lies within an incorporated city or town.” That’s the reason that OV Ordinance (O)95-84 signed by former Mayor Skalsky orders, in part: “Permission is hereby given to Golder Ranch Fire District to annex areas located within the corporate limits of the Town of Oro Valley.” Why else? …That’s enough about the creation of a monopoly: “Exclusive control of a commodity or service that makes possible the manipulation of prices.” –Webster’s

When you say that Mountain Vista Fire District has no rating, I presume you mean with Insurance Services Offices, Inc. (ISO) that rates Fire Departments for Insurance Companies. In February of 2007, all of the three fire districts which now comprise the newly merged Mountain Vista Fire District were rated by ISO and will be again as soon as the transition period is finished, that is, when the agreement between Rural Metro and Golder Ranch Fire District is concluded and when Mountain Vista Fire District has built and equipped their new stations.

The area about which we are concerned is the southern half of Oro Valley. Numerous petitioners and I hope that will be protected by the portion of Mountain Vista Fire District that once was La Canada Fire District, (With the Rating 3* from ISO). This section of Mountain Vista now contracts for equipment and firefighters dispatched from Engine 76, The current Rural Metro Fire Station, on Magee near North Oracle, and will until the conclusion of the transition period or at such time they’ve built and equipped their own facilities.

Rural Metro’s Stations have very recently undergone an upgrading of equipment and personnel, including in particular the fire station one mile from my home. Ask, and I’ll describe this in detail in a subsequent mind numbing chapter. Stay tuned, even as your eye glaze over.

While I am critical of the “upgrading” in rates Rural Metro has initiated at the behest of Golder Ranch Fire District, I cannot have but gratitude for their having saved my home from burning – twice. In all the long years Rural Metro has had a station at Magee and North Oracle, I’ve heard nothing but acclamations of them and their fire fighters.

Phil Richardson


OV Objective Thinker said...

A town may give permission but that does not automatically create an annexation. The annexation process is governed by state law as I stated and Mr. Richardson agrees,and not a town ordinance, as I previously stated.

Mr. Richardson also verifies what I said about the rating of the newly created fire district.

"In February of 2007, all of the three fire districts which now comprise the newly merged Mountain Vista Fire District were rated by ISO and will be again as soon as the transition period is finished, that is, when the agreement between Rural Metro and Golder Ranch Fire District is concluded and when Mountain Vista Fire District has built and equipped their new stations."

What does the term,WILL be rated, mean. My guess is that it is not currently rated and that rating will take place some time in the future. I am well aware that the three previously separate districts all had but their individual ratings do not now apply to the new district.

I appreciate the verification Art.


OV Objective Thinker said...

There is insufficient information in Mr. Richardson post to e-mail him. Pls verify if you wish folks to send you information.

artmarth said...

Cox---- Being you are SO CONCERNED with the well being of our Oro Valley neighbors just south & north of Magee, I'm sure Mr. Richardson will be pleased to hear from you.

His email is

By the way, based on your total involvement, Mr. Richardson believes you probably live in one of the nearby communities that were annexed into Oro Valley some 5 years ago, under what many believe were devious means.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Thanks again Art.

I am concerned about Oro Valley and all of it's citizens, as you know.