Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mary Schuh & Phil Richardson: Two Friends Working Hard For Their Neighbors

Those of you that read the blog know very well, there are two senior citizens that go that extra step to better serve their neighbors.

One is Mary Schuh, an integral member of the Pima Association of Taxpayers. Mary is the wonderful lady that some may refer to as a "bulldog" who is responsible for putting out the "PAT" Newsletter.

The other is Phil Richardson, who recently put out a website (now defunct) called the "Oro Valley Watchdog." Phil has a long history of trying to do the right thing for his neighbors.

In the Feb. 2009 issue of Mary's newsletter she addresses an ongoing issue involving Oro Valley Fire Service. Mary was good enough to refer to our blog, but more important, she had this to say about Mr. Richardson:

"He (alluding to Phil) has been attacked by one blogger, who seems to do that to anything and anybody who doesn't agree with his GOVERNMENT is the SOLUTION to everything and Phil is not taking that lightly either."

(To I need to say, as an outside observer, Mary knows from whence she speaks.)

Mary continues: "Hats off to one citizen who is working hard on a bad tax situation and trying to find a way to solve it that helps everyone."


You just "gotta" love Mary & Phil. Two really good people we're proud to call friends!

Anyone that would like to contact Mary or Phil, email them at--- (Mary) (Phil)

1 comment:

netti said...

It’s hard to believe that Oro Valley is being set up to go through the fire issue once again. I am a resident of OVCC and my neighbors and I have been very much looking forward to our new fire station and being serviced by GRFD. We hope this happens sooner than later. It is the opinion of many of us that it has taken too much time for this transition to take place. I also have children, a grand child, siblings and nieces and nephews all who reside in the portion of OV that is serviced by the Golder Ranch Fire District. I have been in business for many years and it has never been difficult to find someone who says they can do it for cheaper to try and win customers. It is probably true that it can be done for cheaper especially in public service. However, back in the nineties when the citizens of Oro Valley stood up for GRFD it was proven that they were one of the most fiscally responsible fire districts in the state. I challenge you to do your homework. Talk to people closer to the source. Your Local Emergency room doctors, schools, Oro Valley Police Officers and families in OV that our currently serviced by GRFD. I do believe you might get a better clue on why this is such a special organization. I hesitated before writing to your blog because it seems as the same few people share their views regarding this issue. I thought you were a little harsh on the other writer who brought up some good points. Please understand I feel it is important that you think this one out before too many people get involved. I was very surprised to read yesterdays paper. I thought the message was clear in OV.