Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New Sign Code Approved For Oro Valley

As reported in The Explorer, the Town Council approved a new sign code in order to be in compliance with state law.

One of the new policies that may aid small businesses, if approved, is the allowing of sandwich-board signs. P & Z will review the merits of this proposal and report back to the council with their recommendation.

As an aside, does anyone wonder how the Frys at 1st & Oracle got the OK to change their sign color from verdigris to bright red?

Read The Explorer article here.


OV Objective Thinker said...

And what good does it do for the P&Z to make a recommendation if the Council is going to ignore that recommendation?????

Victorian Cowgirl said...

As with anything, just because someone recommends something, it doesn't mean that someone else has to follow the recommendation. Just as an example, I once followed a doctor's recommendation and I ended up getting worse! And he's supposed to be an expert! I had my own idea of what needed to be done but he wouldn't listen to me...until I got worse following his advice. Then he tried MY idea and it worked! That's just one example of why you should follow your own "gut."

Anonymous said...

I absolutely do not understand this comment of yours. You are ASSUMING that P&Z is ABSOLUTELY going to make a recommendation that Council is ABSOLUTELY going to ignore. C'mon, OV OT, you can make a statement that makes more sense than that one! OR - explain yourself.

OV Objective Thinker said...


The greatest predictor of future behavior is past performance.

In my opinion, based on what they have done so far, some members of this council will do what is in the best interest of their own political future (and in one case their own personal vindictiveness) rather than what is the most positive for the Town of Oro Valley. While the two MAY be compatable in many cases they are not.

VC...Guts are usually the best! All guts are not created equal. :-)

artmarth said...

Does anybody here remember the 1959 Academy Award nominated movie, "The Last Angry Man?"

Not the storyline, but the title seems to be quite appropriate for Don Cox--OVOT.

When he talks about "vindictiveness," it sounds like he still hasn't gotten over losing those elections for town council, and feels those that "beat him" deserve his wrath.

Too bad!

Anonymous said...

The 'greatest' example of past performance is the performance of PAST councils not the current one which has been in existence for a comparatively short time. That past councils may have ignored recommendations (did they really?) has nothing to do with those few issues that our current council has faced; in fact, my observation was that past councils caved into just about everything as long as it was developer or 'monument' related. Also, both most recently defeated incumbent councilpersons have gotten up before our current panel and have given rambling, non-substantive LECTURES to them on the hows and whys of their own unaccepted perceptions of reality; the people who voted them out didn't buy it why should the current council do so? Yes, it's okay for anyone to get up and speak, but for a rejected former town official to stand there and tell the sitting Council that [they are a bunch of sheep who have lost their way] is ludicrous! Now, OV OT you have made a statement absolute indicating that the current council is making decisions based on a variety of reasons OTHER than that which is best for Oro Valley. Hate to put it to you like this, OT, but who are you to smugly aver what is "most positive" for Oro Valley? Remember, your stances on MANY issues have been rejected by the citizen voter bloc; speak, yes, but act the philosopher king, no!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Art....Your comments consistantly are the only ones that indicate anger. I am simply voicing my opinion....which I know angers you.


You are "rambling". What other people have done at the potium and my comment have nothing to do with each other. What previous councils have done has nothing to do with this council.I did not speak in any absolutes. Allow me to quote myself..."In my opinion, based on what they have done so far,...".


PS...Good thing I have had some time to comment on posts. Frankly, the site was getting stale.

Anonymous said...

When you emphasize 'THIS' council, you most certainly are inferring and inviting comparisons to others. As to your use of the term 'rambling' relative to my post, well, I can only gather that perhaps your reading and/or comprehension might itself be in a state of ramble. Not good!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Zev...After reading some of your posts and Art's slanted dribble, my comprehension may be a bit off. It's hard to follow the logic some of the time. :-)

artmarth said...

Cox--- If you're finding "the site stale," why don't you find something else to do?

As a new year approaches, that may be as good a time as any.

Nobody is forcing you to visit our blog, or comment. Believe me, we'll manage just fine without you.


AZCactus1 said...

I've noticed OVOT has mentioned a couple of times how his comments elicit such a strident response from blog readers, and that the blog gets new life when he posts.

I'd like to point out that OVOT is nothing more than a bona fide "troll."

For those not familiar with the term, a "troll" is roughly one who posts a deliberately provocative message to a message board with the sole intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

OVOT apparently gets great enjoyment from serving such a purpose.

I personally find the tactic amusing, but I earnestly recommend that all blog readers understand this about OVOT and keep it in mind before becoming disconcerted with OVOT's comments or opinions.

Understanding his motive will save you much time in writing enraged responses to his diatribe. Kick back, relax, enjoy our views of the Catalinas, and also the spectacle that is OVOT.

OV Objective Thinker said...

AZCactus1....Allow me to introduce myself to you. I say that because you evidently know little about me. Call me names if you wish but you evidently have not followed (since 1997) my positions.

I have been a resident of this community since 1997. My views have not changed one bit since then and my commentary has not changed on this blog or in public. So for you to make the suggestion that I post, "a deliberately provocative message to a message board with the sole intention of causing maximum disruption and argument", is simply ignorance of who I am. I post my opinion and in some cases I agree with responses and at other times I disagree.I never post anything that is placed out there simply to provoke a response. I believe in what I post.

I agree with you that my resposnes elicit, "enraged responses", but that is something I do not control. Many of the "enraged responses' are a result if people who are not familiar with fact or folks speak only from an emotional viewpoint.

Now, in all honestly, I will admit to one part of your assessment. Nothing gives me greater joy than to stick a little bait out there for 'da blogmaster'. And without fail,he bites on it like a mudcat on a fat, juicy nightcrawler. It's irresistable for him and he never disappoints. God love him!!!

Have a great, safe and fun new year and be prosperous and healthy in 2009....AND I MEAN IT!!!

Nombe Watanabe said...


OV Objective Thinker said...


I apppreciate your wish for a long life. The same back at ya!!


Anonymous said...

One comment I have to your prior response to 'cactus', not intended to provoke, is that if you have lived in Oro Valley since 1997 and you have not [changed your views] since that time, I must opine that you have not grown, have remained 'as is', and therefore are not political 'material'. Exploring, learning, and analyzing something anew each and every day is no vice; remaining stagnant is no virtue.

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Nombe W,

I love your sense of humor! Long live the troll!

But my favorite was the time Bob Oro made a reference to God during the Naranja Park debate and you shot back with, "God told me to vote no."

I've been a big fan of yours ever since.