Friday, December 26, 2008

No Big Surprise: Eloy Rock 'n Roll Theme Park In Big Trouble

When we first noted this "boondoggle" park was planned in Eroy just west of I-10, we said it was a really bad idea.

They based this park on one that recently opened in Myrtle Beach SC. Well, guess what? That park shut down after 3 months in operation, as the developers declared bankruptcy.

This "boondoggle" was never a good idea. There are those that believe the mayor of Eloy had the same grandiose ideas that our mayor had in wanting a $160 million "boondoggle" here, known as Naranja Park.

Read the story from the Az Star here.


OV Objective Thinker said...

Where is Elroy?

Ferlin said...

I believe cousin Elroy died in 1967 or 68.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ferlin....Was he related to Elmo???

Anonymous said...

The name 'Eloy' is derived from the book by H.G.Wells, "The Time Machine" and is referenced as the society that is to evolve 800,000 years hence. The name 'Elroy' could be a derivative of the Spanish language, El Rey, which means 'The King'. In any case pick your own 'title' for this sorry piece of nowhere. For me, Elroy is neither king nor is Eloy an 800,000 year advanced civilization. There is no there there so who gives a rat's ass about anything Elroy or Eloy.

All seriousness aside, many months ago I wrote that [not only would this be a boondoggle in the boondocks, but the idea, in itself, was a stupid one]. There is not much of
a town there, little civilization, no accommodations, no something that would or could draw anyone from anywhere to that forsaken place. People can and will take themselves and their children to places in California that offer established 'theme' parks - Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, Universal Studios, etc., etc., etc., no matter that they might live in Arizona, California, or wherever. But to Eloy? To a 'theme' park envisioned from a model that couldn't even make it in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, a mecca that DOES have 100,000's of visitors, tourists, every year in concert with other amenities - upscale residents, established restaurants, condos vacation rentals, hotels, motels, and so on? About the best you can do in Eloy is perhaps get a Big Mac.

And, as for 'models', BEWARE! So, too, was our defeated Naranja Town Site 'Park' based on an elsewhere model. BEWARE also of some of our civic leaders who become enamored
with other peoples' models, their consultants, and of course, who can leave out, their favorite developers. There are a lot of civil progressives with big ideas and little brains, picky hands with sticky fingers who ache to get into your pockets by the use of increased revenues at any cost (as long as it isn't theirs') in order that they can pleasure their inflated egos, eat caviar and steak for dinner while you eat leftovers.

Keep your eyes open, keep your ears listening, and KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT! All of us together CAN help to stop the idiocy that is squeezing the very heart of our Country into a state of decline; FRIVOLOUS SCHEMES MUST BE STOPPED!

And, as long as I'm at it, in all respect for those who have made suggestions for cutting a cost here and a cost there, and for those who suggest increasing revenues from a bit of a tax here and a surcharge there, you aren't going to solve the PROBLEM with little bandages - A SERIOUS, ACROSS THE BOARD EXPENDITURE CUT IS IN ORDER!!! Whether it's THINGS or PEOPLE, or BOTH, let's get real!

artmarth said...

"Elroy" is now "Eloy."

Perhaps the "Rock 'n Roll Theme Park would be better off in "Elroy," unless, of course, "Elroy" passed on in '67 or '68.

One benefit of being the "blogmaster" is that I can easily change "Elroy" to "Eloy."

Nombe Watanabe said...



Anonymous said...

It has withered in Myrtle Beach;
Eloy could kill it!