Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tucson Museum of Art: Coming Soon?

Council last night got an update on the interest level of Tucson Museum of Art (TMA) locating in Oro Valley. The town has 5 sites identified, as we've previously noted.

Museum Director, Robert Knight, in his remarks to council said they are interested in "expanding north" to increase the number of members from the current level of 3,000. Makes sense to us.

They've outgrown their campus. Parking and a lack of city interest is driving them out of town. They are exploring all options. Locating in Oro Valley would give them a closer match to their constituents. They need 5 acres for a new museum. And they are willing to change their name!

Council agreed to direct the town to submit a letter of interest to Tucson Museum of Art, discussing all five sites.

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