Thursday, September 4, 2008

Council On Notice Regarding Real Concerns About Arroyo Grande

Three of our bloggers spoke at last night's council meeting regarding Arroyo Grande. At issue: the number of residencies that are planned for growth will double the population of Oro Valley and the impact of Arroyo Grande on our quality of life.

Gerri Ottobani voiced her concerns about lack of water that could be caused by growth in Arroyo Grande, asking council to “exercise control over our water supply”. “Turn down any option that will.. drain down our aquifer".

Pat Kinsman wants the council to discuss why the town is considering doubling the size of the town through Arroyo Grande. She notes that questions posted to the town on the impact of Arroyo Grande on roads and traffic have not been answered.

Phil Gibbs noted that 38,000 people will be living there. The increased traffic would require an impossible widening of Oracle Road. He notes that we, the current residents of Oro Valley will pay for much of it.

There's a hearing tonight on it. See our listing of upcoming events.

Get on top of this thing. Attend.


Victorian Cowgirl said...

The figures of approx. 16,000 homes for Arroyo Grande and 38,000 people are not accurate.

For example, I counted the number of homes on my street and the number of people living on my street. The "population" is 3 times the number of homes.

In my "study" 16,000 homes would equate to 48,000 people.

OK, that's just my street. Perhaps some other bloggers would like to count the number of homes vs. people on their street.

Phill made an excellent point in his speech last night. He pointed out that the town engineer said that we would need to widen Oracle Road to 12 lanes in order to accommodate the traffic coming from Arroyo Grande and that this could not be done. So, what happens to all that traffic?

Got gridlock?

Nombe Watanabe said...

I have had the stress of residing in both LA and Wash. DC.

Native Tucsonionans (?) have no idea what real traffic is like.

God help us if Arroyo Grande is developed. We need a buffer between us and whatever Pinal county builds out in the next few years. Nombe W