Friday, August 22, 2008

Vestar To Address Oro Valley Council Sept 3 @7:00 PM

After many months of trying, Council Member Bill Garner has finally gotten David Malin of Vestar to address the OV Council.

Per the council agenda---

"Presentation by Vestar's Senior Project Manager, David C. Malin regarding Tenants for the Oro Valley Marketplace."

We can only hope that in addition to telling the council what they already know about the "wonderful" tenant list, they will also demand to know what will be done to alleviate the ugly roof designs that are visible from both Oracle & Tangerine roads, our two scenic corridors.

Please try to attend this meeting on Wed. Sept 3 @ 7:00 PM.


mscoyote said...

Get out your hip boots and shovels cause there is sure to be plenty of B S coming from Vestar and Malin!!

Hope the council decides to put their feet to the fire!!!

Victorian Cowgirl said...

I asked this in an earlier post but didn't get an answer, so I'm trying again.....

Malin and Town officials were supposed to have a meeting a week or so ago to discuss the letter that Dave Andrews sent Malin about all the problems at OVM and with Vestar ignoring town codes/ordinances.

Can someone enlighten us as to what transpired at that meeting?

I know that town officials read this website so somebody should be able to answer this question.

Fear the Turtle said...

Welcome to light pollution as the "Dick's" sign is on at the Marketplace. This hideous sign is framed against the Catalinas and signals the end of the beauty of this mountain.

I'm very lucky as I can't see this sign from my house, but anyone driving on Tangerine or lives in a nearby subdivision is "exposed" to this sign.

How in the heck did one of the most beautiful places in the world get ruined by so few?????

We can't ever let the kind of devious back door dealings that led to the Marketplace ever happen again!!!!!

artmarth said...

"Cowgirl" and others---- Inasmuch as there seems to be no response to your query, I'll say I don't have any info other than the fact there are ongoing talks, some of which are of a legal nature.

Hopefully, before all is said and done, the OV Council will demand that Vestar meet ALL their obligations PRIOR to any Grand Opening.

Remember, Mr. Malin will be addressing the Council at the Sept 3 meeting. We hope it is an opportunity to let him know OV government and its citizens will not accept Vestar "running the show."

We'll see!