Thursday, August 21, 2008

Goldwater Institute Files Final Brief In City North Subsidy Case

I have been informed that the Goldwater Institute filed their final brief today in the Court of Appeals in the City North subsidy case. (Turken v. Gordon)

Case Timeline:
  • August 8, 2007, case filed with Maricopa Superior County Court.
  • February 11, 2008, 10:30 a.m., oral argument on motions for summary judgment in the Turken v. Gordon subsidies case before the Honorable Judge Robert E. Miles at Maricopa County Superior Court, Old Courthouse, 125 W. Washington, Courtroom 303, Phoenix, AZ 85003. Open to the public.
  • April 2, 2008, Judge Robert E. Miles rules that $97.2 million sales tax deal with CityNorth creates a public good and does not violate the constitution as a corporate subsidy. Goldwater Institute promises to appeal.
  • April 4, 2008, Goldwater Institute appeals court ruling.

Our friends at the Goldwater Institute's Scharf-Norton Constitutional Litigation Center, Clint Bolick & Carrie Ann Sitren continue the fight to not allow the city of Phoenix to give a $97.4 million tax subsidy to one retail developer.

We wish Clint & Carrie success in their efforts against the city of Phoenix and the big developer.

There is no indication as to when the Court of Appeals will hear the case.

The Goldwater Institute's Scharf-Norton Constitutional Litigation Center is able to defend your constitutional freedom because of the generous donations of private individuals. R. Evan Scharf and John R. Norton III have arranged for a $1 million challenge grant to establish and fund the Goldwater Institute Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation. To donate to the litigation center or become a member of the Goldwater Institute, please call Jenn Bryson at (602) 462-5000.

If anyone is interested in reading the 30 page brief, please email me at

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