Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oro Valley Marketplace Plans Grand Opening In Oct.

Well---it's getting close. The anticipated opening of Oro Valley's "unique" and "upscale" shopping center will now be a "Grand Opening" in Oct.

Vestar's Marketplace, headed up by the Super Center Wal-Mart----with their UGLY roof still totally visible from both Oracle road & Tangerine road will be joined by mostly "blah" retailers.

Hopefully, Vestar will appear before the Oro Valley Council PRIOR to their opening and justify every aspect of this mall.

Once again, we remind all of our readers----when you shop at the retailers that have been servicing Oro Valley for years, we---the people of Oro Valley will receive the 2% sales tax that comes back to our community.

When sales tax is collected at this Marketplace, Vestar will be pocketing almost 1/2 of OUR revenue.

Keep our revenue with us. Stay away from this place whenever you have a choice.

Read about their opening in this Az Star article.


mscoyote said...

This new mall with its lineup of
junk stores like Wal-Mart and other
run of the same old, same old stores actually makes it easier to shop Oro
Valley stores first.
Nothing attractive at the new mall.
We will enjoy having a few convenient places to eat that are close.

I can still recall the town hall meeting where Vestar bused in "supporters.
Some of the paid for by dinner supporters where practically doing
flips in the aisle in support of the new junk center of Oro Valley.
Wonder if they are still so

Victorian Cowgirl said...

Malin and Town officials were supposed to have a meeting a week or so ago to discuss the letter that Dave Andrews sent Malin about all the problems at OVM and with Vestar ignoring town codes/ordinances.

Can someone enlighten us as to what transpired at that meeting?

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms Coyote...Please let me know which meeting Vestar "bused" in supporters???

If you cannot respond with accurate information then you should not post it!!!

mscoyote said...

Hello Thinker,
I don't recall the exact date of the meeting.
I do recall that Vestar held a reception for supporters and then urged those they fed to attend the town council meeting following the "feast". Of course I was not there but heard that Vestar offered transportation to the town meeting.
So perhaps they were not literally "bused in".

However that meeting sticks in my mind because I was and still am amused at how some adults were so eager to believe the lies of a developer and how easily they were fooled.

Also one lady was so involved in her Vestar cheering she almost hit me with her sign.
So do you think these people are still so enthusiastic?

travelling dancer said...

ov thinker are you heavily invested in the Vestar project financially? Were you one of the individuals, while on a Board that voted for the Vestar sham? Or do you think Wal-Mart is an "upscale", nice store? The prices at the Wal-Mart Pharmacy are not less expensive than other stores in this town, and by going to the other stores you don't have to worry about being poisoned. Unless you are into purchasing poor quality merchandise, that falls apart. I can't imagine why you would shop at their store. Hopefully there is going to be another shopping area south of the Marktplace that will have "upscacle" stores, I did not say expensive, but quality merchandise.

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms. Coyote....As I suspected (knew) you posted false information and have nothing to support you inaccurate posting. You, unfortunately, have fallen into the pattern of the blog 'master'(posting inaccurate information) which is why I have neglected it for the most part.

Sales at WalMart will answer the question of acceptability.

Dancer...I hate to disappoint, but I have no money invested in either Vestar or Wal Mart.

Your assumptions are not coherent but then most of the comments lately follow that same pattern.
I will shop at Wal Mart because they will offer quality products more reasonably priced than other retailers. I will also shop there because they offer products that are not available elsewhere in Oro Valley. I am an Oro Valley shopper first and only leave when I am forced to do so.

I hope you follow the same pattern.

travelling dancer said...

ov thinker..Do you read the Newspapers? Obviously you must not or you would be aware of all the problems with tained food, dog food, toys and shoes. Where is the Wal-Mart where you shop? Many of their products are seconds and clothing that my family received as gifts fell apart. So when I returned the items, there was nothing worthwhile except maybe cleaning products to replace them. Perhaps items you can"t purcase in Oro Valley are from China....Good Luck

mscoyote said...

Hello Thinker,
Where did I post false information?
Can you provide proof? If not then
you should not be making accusations.
Do you deny that Vestar had a reception for supporters that was conveniently scheduled right before a council meeting?

On a side note, I have tried not to bash other posters unless provoked.
You have provoked me!!
You say that my posts are not coherent. Well bucko my posts may not be brillant but they sure as heck make sense and I am a logical person.
Your display of arrogant and accusatory comments towards me and other posters has forced me to say that I am really glad you are not on the town council!!!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms Coyote....

Please READ my comments. You posted false information when you stated,
"I can still recall the town hall meeting where Vestar bused in "supporters." Those were your exact words and they are patently false. Not only cannot you not recall which meeting that was, but there were no meetings in which that happened. And the gathering you refer to was held across the street from Town Hall therefore no transportation was required or offered. That's what I refer to as a FACT. Maybe you would be better off not listening to those who provide you with misinformation.

Secondly, I did NOT say your comments were "not coherent". Maybe you should read that part also. I made that comment regarding TD's silly post.

Lastly, "Do you deny that Vestar had a reception for supporters that was conveniently scheduled right before a council meeting?"

No. Why else would they hold them and what is your point?

You go on to say, "Your display of arrogant and accusatory comments towards me and other posters has forced me to say that I am really glad you are not on the town council!!!"

Does it bother you that I post accurate information and you post,
"Of course I was not there but heard" style information.

Ms Coyote there are many people out there that love to feed others inaccurate, false (BS) information. Don't believe all that you hear.

mscoyote said...


Please read the fourth post where I state that they were not "literally bused in.
Maybe you missed that.

If you want to say that I used a poor choice of words, go ahead, be my guest.
But the way in which I used that expression of busing in would be understood by most in the area of the country I was from.
But now I know that some will take
the expression literally.

I can't recall the exact date of the town council meeting and the
Vestar feast but it did happen and I was at that town council mneeting.

I am not bothered by what you post.

So what is your opinion about those supporters still being so

Don't forget the purpose of a blog or fourm is to express opinions.
If peple want to share information or correct others that is also fine.
But I will tell you that it is not the correction or message that most remember it is how you delivered it that will stand out and make an impression.

People skills are important!

OV Objective Thinker said...

Ms Coyote.....

Your response id very interesting and frankly refreshing.

I agree completely with your last point that style is many times more important than the message. That's why I remind many of the bloggers on this site that the 'blogmaster' will, at times, be the most nasty posters on here and yet not one person (besides me) will call him on it. On the other hand I can make some pointed comment and I am chastised for "denegrating".

There are two sets of standards of conduct on this blog. One for those who agree and one for those who disagree.

I am not sure I understand your question about supporters being "so enthusiastic". I am looking forward to the mall opening as I think it will have a positive fiscal impact on our community. As I mentioned before, I will shop there because there are some products that are available at Wal Mart and not elsewhere in Oro Valley and it is very convenient to my home. It's a five minute drive away. At nearly $4.00 a gallon for gasoline it will not only save people dollars but time spent shopping. Both are important to folks working and raising kid in out community.


I can't speak for your experiences but I am currently wearing a shirt I purchased from Wal Mart three years ago. The only issue I can find with it is that it has not been able to expand as my girth has expanded.

Wal Mart exists because they offer a lower grade product for a lesser price. They also sell top of the line products at a lesser price. I have purchased items at Macy's and/or Dillard's that turned out to be of poor quality.

The products I can't buy elsewhere in Oro Valley are fishing and hunting supplies. Specifically lures, fishing line, rods, reels, licenses, ammunition, etc.