Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Still Hope The Court Will Allow State Lands Initiative On The Nov. Ballot

Hopefully, the State Land Initiative (Prop 103) will ultimately get on the Nov. ballot. Please read the following email we received from Sean Sullivan, Associate Director Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection.

Please consider responding to our Poll Question on this issue. (On top left column of blog.)
As many of you may have heard by now, the Secretary of State (SOS) decertified Prop 103, Our Land,
Our Schools because of insufficient signatures. A review of signature rejected by the SOS has been completed and a review of signatures from Maricopa County is being finished up. There were an inordinate amount of signatures rejected and should be counted under the Constitutional standard of substantial compliance.

The Secretary of States decision has been officially challenged in Superior Court. The hearing is
next Tuesday (8/26) at 10 AM. The Judge knows that he must rule from the bench given the short time frame until the voter material is printed.

We expect to have closure on our status for the November ballot by *Wednesday, August 27th. *

We are very optimistic that Prop 103 will indeed be on the ballot in November. This is another step in the process and we are confident that we will prevail.

The campaign is moving aggressively forward to win the election in November. This issue is too
important. The voters of Arizona must be given the chance to pass Our Land, Our Schools and we all need to continue working together to help them understand why. Thanks for all of your support.
Sean Sullivan
Associate Director
Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection
300 E. University Blvd., Suite 120
Tucson, AZ 85705
Ph: 520-388-9925
Fx: 520-791-7709

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