Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Naranja Park Bond Issue Moves Forward---Only Possibly More Costly

For those Oro Valley citizens who couldn't attend the Nov 19 meeting (or listen in on the audio stream,) Terry Parish who was rebuked, along with Mayor Loomis in their attempt to approve a higher dollar amount Bond approval at the last meeting, got their retribution.

Parish wasn't satisfied with going to the voters with a Bond Issue for the new amount of $49.1 million, (up from $48 million,) so he made a motion to go for a new higher amount as an alternative. The new amount is $80 million at a max. cost of 35 cents per $100 of assessed value. The amount for the $49.1M was at 28 cents per $100 or a max of 49 cents per $100.

When no council member saw fit to 2nd the motion, the only person left to do so was the person who stood with Parish previously and voted "No" for the $48M as not being enough of a tax burden. That was none other than the mayor himself.

No one ever explained how you can fund $80M at 35 cents, but need 28 cents or as much as 49 cents for $49.1M. I guess it could be explained as "creative accounting!"

Bottom line: It sure looks like the voters will get the opportunity on Nov 4, 2008 to vote on how much, if at all, they'll be willing to pay for this park.


mscoyote said...

Maybe Terry Parish and the mayor can spend a lot of their time at the park after the voters out them from office.
Terry needs to go and the sooner the better and Loomis needs to be recalled.
Soon we will need a property tax in OV for essential services, I don't consider this park an essential service. If these two do, then we need to consider their faulty reasoning and lack of responsibility to the voters.
They need to be evicted form town council

Ferlin said...

The Council seems on the attack--against every citizen who has a different opinion from theirs. At the meeting on the 19th, Parrish and Dankwerth were leading "attack dogs" on anybody who wants any fiscal responsibility.

Parrish says the contingency fund has doubled since he has been there and now has around 12 million. Then why all the new utility taxes and water fees and "gimmees" from the Council to the taxpayers?

This Council is completely absurd. Somebody must be lining their pockets!

raindancer said...

Since the "live feed" didn't work last night -
What are we getting for $80 mil?

I can't help but wonder who the Council and Mayor are representing? Are they looking to help out Pima County? big business? who?

Food is up 4.5% and could double next year. Gas is rising. Home heating and electric are up and than add on the utility tax. The Amphi bond got passed. Foreclosures are sky high and the value of our houses has fallen like a rock.

People don't want to move into OV for fear of big taxes so their buying elsewhere.

It's time for the Mayor and Council to wake up. Maybe they have mega bucks but I would bet a large percentage of OV citizens are just trying to make ends meet.

Essential services need to be covered but "fluff" has to wait.

Rick Smith said...

Dankloomyparish City Park has a nice ring, doen't it? Is this the only reason these egotistical spend monkeys want this montrosity?

By the way, Stacy Lemos quoted the cost of this park based on the average cost of a $300,000 home. My analysis shows that the average home in Oro Valley is around $555,306. I'm in this buisness.

So why not just go for the brass ring, $160M? With the average home over a half million, I'm sure the citizens want the whole enchilada. I hope they push this property tax the way they pushed the subsidy to Vestar so that the citizens will know how to vote in March.