Wednesday, November 28, 2007

You Really "Gotta" Read The Explorer Letters In The Nov 28 Issue!

Wow! Many of our neighbors----some who we know, others we don't, took the time to write to the Explorer. Most of the letters have to do with the ill-conceived proposed Naranja Park that would be funded by a secondary property tax. By the way, the town's analysis of the household cost to pay for this seems to lack reality.

While you're reading the letters, please be sure to scroll down to Don Cox's letter, in which he chastises me. I'll offer no additional comment, but let my letter (previously posted here) and Cox's speak for themselves.

Click here to read the letters.

1 comment:

Zev Cywan said...

Wasn't this the Don Cox who, while running for town council, equated a 'big box' store with a Robinson-May and/or Nordstroms - brilliant, he didn't know the difference. Also, relative to his statements on personal attacks, how come he hasn't dressed down Terry Parrish, the king of deception, for, not only having 'attacks' published in various recources, but who has on several occassions attacked certain attendees at council meetings, a supposed-to-be no-no. While I give Cox credit for having admitted he has blatherred attacks in the past, why does he continue now in this current letter?