Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Developer Wins --Oro Valley Council Votes "Yes" For Five Story, 60' Hotel

The earlier P & Z Commission recommendation to not approve a a 75' Embassy Suites Hotel in Innovation Park, was totally meaningless.

The developer figured correctly when he dropped his 75" six story hotel, to 60' and five stories and proceeded to go to the Town Council for their approval.

Only Paula Abbott and KC Carter felt that the town code permitting a maximum hotel of 36' should be enforced.

Incumbents Terry Parish, Helen Dankwerth and Barry Gillaspie, were joined by Al Kunisch and Mayor Paul Loomis and once again gave in to the developers.

I, and the other citizens that requested the Council abide by the code had their wishes fall on deaf ears, with the exception of Paula & KC.

Actions speak louder than words, so when those who voted "yes" say they don't want to violate the code, but do so anyway, are either "two-faced" or trying to show they don't care about the people.

Hopefully, the Oro Valley voters will see through that charade come March 2008!


mscoyote said...

Most don't care or have given up!!!
The rest have families and jobs and just don't have the time nor energy to be watchdogs for the town council and town employees.
I also think that the council members who do the drama routine of having problems, etc with the issue and then turn around and vote Yes for a developer breaking the rules are just liars and phony.
Spare us the drama.
Must be nice for a developer to walk into the OV council meeting and know they always get their way.
Have never heard the town staff say that the project is not outstanding.
Once I would love to hear that planning director state that a project is poor and violates too many town codes.
Most in town don't have the energy to fight them anymore.
I would love to see some referendums and initiatives on some of these issues.
This is the beginning of the end to keeping Oro Valley a beautiful place.

mscoyote said...

On a related note.
It literally made me sick to hear citizens of Oro VAlley get up and tell the council their problems with a proposed project near Safeway.
I knew exactly what would happen.
It went just like it always does.
Residents 0 Developer 1

I felt for these people, they actually thought they had a chance to make a difference.
Little did they know but the council had already made up its mind.(my opinion)
Citizens are invisible and the developers are god's to most of the council