Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Council To Discuss Major Overhaul to Oro Valley Zoning Code For Multi-Family Residences Tonight

Council to consider zoning code amendments for multi family residences 
Tonight, the Oro Valley Town Council is reviewing proposed amendments to the zoning code, specifically focusing on multi-family zoning districts. The meeting is a study session, so there will be no decisions made. The proposed changes aim to simplify and refine the existing code, ensuring clarity and consistency without reducing open space or setbacks. In addition, the changes are intended to address gaps and inconsistencies in the current code, which has not seen significant updates since the 1990s.

Purpose of the amendments 
Staff says that the primary goal of these amendments is to ensure a consistent application of zoning requirements, thereby reducing the need for staff interpretation.  According to staff, the proposed changes clearly define various housing types, standardize building separations, and align different code sections to remove contradictions. This helps in maintaining a uniform standard across the town, ensuring that all housing types and developments are treated equitably.

Proposed Changes are: 

  • Simplification and Refinement:
    The proposed code amendments have been significantly simplified and refined, ensuring no reductions in open space or setbacks from adjacent uses. Previous changes to recreation requirements were addressed in a separate code amendment approved in October 2023. 
  • Clarification of Housing Types:
    The amendments clearly and accurately define various housing types, ensuring a consistent application of code requirements. This includes detached single-family homes, attached units (side-by-side or front-to-back), and multi-level units (stacked vertically). 
  • Building Separations in High-Density Zones:
    The amendments create right-sized building separations within high-density zoning districts (R-6). The distance between townhomes and detached single-family units in these zones will be standardized to 10 feet. 
  • Alignment of Code Sections:
    The proposed changes align different code sections and standards to remove contradictions. This includes updates to the Table of Permitted Uses to reflect existing allowances and intents, such as the inclusion of attached townhomes in certain commercial zones. 
  • Consistent Application to Reduce Staff Interpretation:
    By providing clear definitions and aligning code sections, the amendments aim to reduce or eliminate the need for staff interpretation. This ensures that the requirements are clear to developers, staff reviewers, nearby residents, and decision-makers.

Why staff believes that these changes are necessary
According to staff,  the existing zoning code has become outdated and often requires staff to interpret ambiguous sections, leading to inconsistencies. The proposed amendments address these issues by providing clear definitions and standards. This ensures that both developers and residents have a clear understanding of the requirements, thereby facilitating smoother development processes and reducing potential conflicts.

Council has previously expressed concern over some aspects of the proposed changes
Tonight's discussion is a continuation of a discussion that started in October 5, 2022. At that time, the Council raised several concerns, primarily about open space, setbacks, and definitions. The staff believes that it has responded in tonight's revised proposal by ensuring no reductions in open space or setbacks and clarifying the definitions to avoid conflicts. The proposed changes also incorporate feedback from the Fire Department and address parking and recreation requirements.

Staff says that the changes are aligned with a 2016 General Plan
According to staff, the proposed amendments align with the goals and policies outlined in the “Your Voice, Our Future General Plan.” By clarifying existing requirements and addressing inconsistencies, the amendments support diverse housing types and effective transitions between different land uses. This reflects sound code administration and indirectly supports the town’s broader development objectives.

Were you notified of these changes?
According to staff, the public has been notified about the proposed amendments through various channels, including HOA notifications, newspaper ads, and postings at Town Hall and on the town’s website. This ensures transparency and allows for community input, reinforcing the council’s commitment to a participatory planning process. The amendments are designed to comply with the General Plan, ensuring that they meet the needs of current and future residents.
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