Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Town Council Candidate, Elizabeth Robb – A Life of Service

Today we present Oro Valley Town Council Candidate, Elizabeth Robb’s opening statement during the Sun City Candidate Forum held on June 12.
"My name is Elizabeth Robb, and I have been fortunate enough to have led an interesting life as I was born into a military family.

My father served in Vietnam, and while I was in college getting my Animal Science degree, despite being told “a lady doesn't do that,” I took ROTC and I joined the North Carolina National Guard. My basic training is what brought me out to Arizona, and during Desert Storm, I applied for active duty. I spent three and a half years in Germany as an interrogation platoon leader, as a headquarters executive officer, and as a signals battalion intelligence officer. I then returned to Arizona and got my company command at the intelligence school at Fort Huachuca.

I met the man who was eventually going to be my husband, got married, and went into the Army Reserves out in Phoenix. I then passed the national EMT exam, and I volunteered for the Southern Arizona Rescue Association as a rescuer, as a medical instructor, and as a board member.

In addition to raising my own special needs child, I raised two step-daughters, and I was a foster care infant emergency placement home. I ended up adopting one of my placements. He just graduated from CDO High School. I’m very proud of him.

I volunteered for 15 years in the amphitheater school district, doing assorted jobs. I eventually became a classified substitute so that I could continue doing those jobs even after my kids moved on. My boys were active in Boy Scouts, and I participated as a Cub Scout den leader, an outdoor coordinator, a merit badge counselor, and an Eagle mentor. Additionally, I've served as treasurer in five different organizations, and I've run my own successful small business for the last 15 years. Fiscal responsibility is an area where I excel.

I’m not an incumbent so I can't talk about my voting record. I can only talk about the skills I bring and the vision that I have for the future of Oro Valley.

When I moved to Oro Valley 26 years ago, the town covered 28 square miles, and my house was across the street from the southern border of Oro Valley. That border is now almost two miles further south, and the town now covers 36 square miles. I've watched our town grow and I would now like the opportunity to be a part of shaping that future -- together, with you.

I believe my experiences and unique set of skills will serve me well in representing you on the Oro Valley Town Council and guiding the direction of our town for the next four years. I've served my country, I've served my community, and I've served my family. Now I'm ready to serve you on the Oro Valley Town Council.

I ask for your vote on July 30th. Thank you so much for the opportunity to introduce myself to you."
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