No added staffing in 2025 TMRB
The Town of Oro Valley has 425 full-time equivalent employees. The 2025 TMRB calls for keeping that number essentially the same in 2025. The total 2025 TMRB cost is $43.3 million, which is 31% of the $137.4 million in identified spending in the TMRB. "Big Four" Departments" dominate personnel spending...
Yesterday, we reported that 80% of all TMRB identified spending is attributed to four departments. These same four departments employ 77% of the town staff, comprising 76% of the total TMRB personnel cost.
...and have the most visible roles in the community
One would expect to see the bulk of Oro Valley’s workforce supporting these four departments (Public Safety, Public Works, Water, and Parks) because each department’s responsibilities require people “doing stuff you see.” Indeed, we see these people every day. The police patrol our streets and neighborhoods; public works crews rejuvenate our roads; water crews fix pumping facilities; and parks personnel mow lawns and water the new trees planted.
Disparity in personnel cost among departments...
Disparity in personnel cost among departments...
There is a significant range difference in the average personnel cost per person across different departments (see panel right). The town's TMRB average cost per employee is $102,000. The average cost per public safety full-time equivalent (FTE) personnel is $129,500, while the average Parks and Recreation FTE receives less than half of that. Water and public works personnel costs per FTE are also much lower. The Legal and Finance departments have an average personnel cost per person greater than that of the police department. Other departments, such as information technology and the town manager's office, also have relatively high personnel costs.
... likely reflects the nature of the work and labor market conditions
These differences likely reflect the varying skill levels required for specific jobs in these departments and prevailing labor market conditions. Understanding these differences is crucial for informed budget planning and resource allocation in the town.
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